Yes, I lured you in with a pic of a hot guy. Was it cowardly? Yes. Was it deceitful? Yes. Did it work?
Chotto darui… (A Little Tired…)
When I heard that El Niño with its destructive rain was coming, and a smattering of rain leaking from the sky the week following showed significant promise, I bought a…
Luck of the Draw
I originally had a cute, introductory story to tell for my first ever post on the Stiletto Heels site, but the longer I typed it out, the more wrong it felt. As…
A Person in Need
Hello there, I’m SwirlyOwl: one of SH’s cleaners. It will be short and sweet since all of you guys want to read those chapters right away, right? *winks* I was…
BBL Babble
Dear Readers, We will resume releasing again for the anniversary next weekend. If you are reading this message and are an experienced typesetter with some free time to help out…
Of Heartbreaks and Hasty Decisions
Hello there! It’s amatsu here, Principal’s typesetter. Hats won’t be here to give you today’s release and I’m posting in her stead. I don’t really know what to talk about,…