I’m desperate to finish the last few pages of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte. Gilbert Markham has finally got the balls to elude his crotchety mother and…
Booked Up For Tonight
777-Triple Seven- Phase 1: A Few Favorite Things
Recently I’ve been going through some serious stuff, like, really serious stuff and frankly it’s been killing my vibes. So when I volunteered to write this post, I must have been…
Feeling a little short?
Apologies in advance. This release post is going to be pretty short. So short, Chiaki from AAA gets to be my “Feeling Short” mascot. Adorably tiny, isn’t she? Same goes…
Chotto darui… (A Little Tired…)
When I heard that El Niño with its destructive rain was coming, and a smattering of rain leaking from the sky the week following showed significant promise, I bought a…
Of Heartbreaks and Hasty Decisions
Hello there! It’s amatsu here, Principal’s typesetter. Hats won’t be here to give you today’s release and I’m posting in her stead. I don’t really know what to talk about,…