Booked Up For Tonight

I’m desperate to finish the last few pages of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte. Gilbert Markham has finally got the balls to elude his crotchety mother and is pussy-footing at the gates of Helen Huntingdon’s estate in Grassdale. I know he’s going to get in somehow. He’s waited freakishly long for this one moment, and I doubt Anne is going to have him walk all the way home, tail between his legs. When other men would be content to console themselves in the bosom of another young girl, this guy has exacted such patience as to make him a saint! He’s going to get the girl all right.

So I’m going to leave you all with a few delectable chapters to whet your appetite, and we will see you again at the end of the month with more releases.

Happy Reading!
Futagashira Ch.3 DDL

Teke Teke Rendezvous Ch.14-15 DDL