Spring No More

Summer officially begins today. Who is looking forward to the season? Me, NOT. Why? I live in the south where it’s hot and humid. All I want is to stay in a cool spot. I grew up in Wisconsin where the summers were cool and pleasantly warm compared to the godawful south. One good thing about summers is the annual family vacation in Canada at my family cottage. It’s on the beach where we just hang out, relax, and play cards. I’m looking forward to it! Hopefully, you guys will have a good start to the summer.

Let’s start with a good solid June kickoff with two wonderful chapters from 3 AM and Kiyoku. Let me tell you this, I had so much fun typesetting 3 AM chapter 4. So funny. We’re bringing Kiyoku back from the dead (no, really it has been a long time coming to get this released). Enjoy and Happy Reading!


    Kiyoku 5a

    3 AM TZ Chapter 4