Stiletto Heels/team

Collectors of Eclectic Shoujo & Josei

We’ll Be Back (Engrish styru.)

Honestly, I have had to go up against meddling aunts, incessantly chirpy relatives raiding my fridge and eating through my why-do-they-make-them-so-freaking-tiny tub of coffee-flavored Häagen-Dazs, and sleepless nights prowling the neighborhood after…

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When it rains, it pours

Since this is my first post, in lieu of an introduction, let me share one of my tribulations with you. A few weeks ago, towards the end of August, I…

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Short and Sweet

Nikotama ch.02: Kouhei does a lot of introspective thinking on his toilet seat while Ah-chan battles with cephalopods of the order Teuthida. Download | Read Online Tsukikage Baby ch.02: OK,…

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