Hello all!
I’m CanaryBlue, a newbie cleaner here at Stiletto Heels! I was given an opportunity to write for all you lovely people and so I thought I would talk about how I ended up here to create some sense of intimacy in this post. Feeling it yet?
I came across this gem of a scanlation group around the time chapter 6 of And by Okazaki Mari was released. I remember I was just scrolling through titles—beginning to feel a little bored with manga, but still determined to find a series to read—when I came across ‘&’. The title piqued my interest so I clicked in…and what I found seriously blew me away. An addicting plot, a heroine you can’t help but to root for, stunning artwork, and the amazing presentation by Stiletto Heels really tied everything together into one super-awesome enjoyable experience. Yes, I really stopped to admire how perfectly executed each chapter was!
Oops, I didn’t really mention much about myself so here are some quick facts: I love my cat (he is sleeping on my stomach as I type this in the most awkward position ever to accommodate him), I am annoyingly specific about my pens (0.3mm and ball-point only please!), and my favorite TV series is The Office(get the reference?)! Thanks to the amazing people here, I have discovered the wonderful joy that is Josei manga, hahah! My favorite series here are &-and-, Sekine’s Love, and 3 AM Dangerous Zone. Please check them out if you are between releases and haven’t seen them already!
Err, back to my original train of thought. After two years of silent reading, I finally mustered up the courage to join the team. Just like you, I wanted to see my favorite titles updated! I figured that the quickest way to see that happen was to infiltrate the group from the inside, so tada! Here you are and please enjoy the releases :)!
Ch.06 Download
Ch.07 Download
Ch.08 Download
Note From Hats: THANK YOU CANARYBLUE FOR STEPPING UP TO THE PLATE TO MAKE THIS RELEASE POST. Without your help I probably would have given up on a release. Originally, there were seven releases slated for 7/24, and then it ended up being only the five Tsukikage chapters on 7/25, and now, unfortunately, the last two chapters won’t make the cut. Seriously, I have been sitting at my computer screen for the past 5 hours, having had only 3 hours of sleep, dotting i’s and crossing t’s on Ch.9-10, and it’s still not done, and I have to go back to work in less than 6 hours… *takes a deep breath* We’ll see you again this Sunday with the remaining chapters. Until then, let’s just enjoy these babies.)
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LOL Ha! Your busyness is all my fault, Hats! Ohhh crap did NOT realize how badly my forgetfulness/tardiness screwed the team! Sorry about that… Thanks for letting me work on Tsukikage Baby and TY CanaryBlue and the rest of the team for all your work as well!
OMG! Thank you so much for this release!!
Thank you so much for the releases!! <3
Hats, WE want you to be healthy and happy above all things too! Go get some good rest and stay cool! Go eat some watermelon and spit the seeds out at those unsuspecting drunkards in your yard…
Canaryblue, I can feel how -&- blew you away. I’ve never that kind art style in a manga before. The lines just seem to flow on their own – it really is breathtaking. & is special I think but everything Stiletto Heels scanlate is a gem and I’m enjoying the many releases this July. What a fantastic birthday month for me as well!
Tsukikage Baby is one of my (many) favorites. I love watching traditional dances, I mean, look at all those detailed wrist and finger motions, man! And wearing a kasa does create an appealing, mysterious aura around a person indeed (it helps that Kodama-sensei complements that with strong jawlines lol). I’m glad Rio isn’t turning out to be some cliched petty/shallow love rival so I hope she stays that way. Also this tension between Madoka and Hotaruko is just…mnghgh….they’re bound to get screwed someday and what will Hikaru do then? I can’t wait to find out~
Stiletto Heels, thank you so much for your hardwork! You made my day 🙂
Love the Office reference CanaryBlue! Date Mike is a legend among Michael Scott impressions. Super happy for those Tsukikage Baby releases too!
Hi, thank you for the hard work! BTW chapter 7 has a problem in its link or file.
Oops, it was a zip file and not an rar file. Link is fixed!
Thank you for your hardwork!! I think only the cover page was uploaded for Chapter 7, though.
Thanks for your hardwork!! I think only the cover page was uploaded in Chapter 7, though
Btw, chapter 7 only contains the credit page.
It’s not that big of an issue though, since the images are in the chapter 8 zip.
Seeing how hard you’re working on this makes me realize I need to get a grip and start working harder too! Thank YOU, Hats 🙂
Oh goodness, you’ve done PLENTY already. No need to strain yourself even more. I like my team members healthy and happy above all things!
I really think I was borderline insane yesterday because I only had 2-3 hours of sleep… for the past few days. Word of advice: DO NOT LIVE NEXT TO A BAR, ESPECIALLY NOT ONE THAT OPENS UNTIL 2 AM. Is that even legal? After the bar closes, wasted-beyond-recognition patrons start limping and vomiting their way to their cars, and for some reason always end up using my lawn as a hotspot to sober up. Anyway, this recent bout of insomnia coupled with the extreme heat and humidity turned out to be a deadly combo. At the time I was posting it was 73F + 75% humidity, and I was drenched in sweat and zapped of all energy – mental and physical.
I feel terrible I messed up the releases, but they’re all fixed up now, and I’m sure everyone will enjoy the triple release.