When Hats asked me to write this release post, I panicked a little. English is not my first language and I have been feeling down lately, which doesn’t help with…
Just You, Me, and Sekine
Forgive me, Readers. Here I am sitting on a wooden crate in the middle of my bedroom, surrounded by boxes upon boxes and stringed up books and manga. My laptop…
Booked Up For Tonight
I’m desperate to finish the last few pages of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte. Gilbert Markham has finally got the balls to elude his crotchety mother and…
Jejeje~ It’s time for a release!
I’ve been sitting here for well over two hours, fingers hovering over the keyboard, at a loss over what to write about. It’s not that I don’t have anything to…
777-Triple Seven- Phase 3: Party juseyo!
Hello, I’m Hats aka Mimi, Stiletto Heels’ Admin slash Head Translator. In reality, I’m just an oddball who went to sleep with headphones and a pair of dusty New Balance…
777-Triple Seven- Phase 2: Hi, I’m date Mike. Nice to meet me.
Hello all! I’m CanaryBlue, a newbie cleaner here at Stiletto Heels! I was given an opportunity to write for all you lovely people and so I thought I would talk…