If you’re wondering what that monster is, it’s my androgynous mackerel tabby, Mugen. Occasionally I suspect he’s plotting something against me because I will wake up to find him glaring at me with that very expression from his corner of the bed.
Mimi: Why are you looking at me like that?
Mimi: Are you hungry, is that it?
Mimi: Don’t tell me you’re not happy living here?
Of course, with his unbending will, my interrogation eventually leads to a humiliating defeat. I’m not sure what’s worse though: A grown woman accepting defeat from a cat or a grown woman talking to her cat. (I should really start spending less time alone.)
And now that we’ve got that out the way………TA-DA! Our beloved Heels’s staff work their magic once again.
However, be forewarned! Any verbal flak about “how slow” releases are will be met with some glove-on-cheek action and the full force of Mimi and Heels Team’s collective “Eyebrows of Consternation.” Everyone on the team is using up valuable, valuable time to churn these projects out. Time that could have gone to better things like studying for exams, working, being with family/friends, and just real life in general.
– 3 AM Dangerous Zone v2, ch.8: All I have to say to Momoko is, “Daaaayum girl. You got guts.”
– Nina My Love v2, ch.8: Girls are always wondering what boys do when they’re alone together, and here we examine two fine specimens, sharing delicate desserts while discussing girls.
– Principal v2, ch.6-7 FIXED PAGES: Piccolo! Piccolo! 😉 If some of these pages weren’t so integral to the plot, I wouldn’t have thought twice about fixing them.
– Principal v2, ch.8 w/ Extras: Wao gives his dilapadated house a farewell rub, while Haruka calls up Shima trying to assuage her guilt. I have to admit, I didn’t hate Haruka, even after all the stunts she pulled on Shima. But what she said to Gen was absolutely abominable; It was downright low. Somebody needs to backhand that girl with a pair of leather gloves.
– Sekine’s Love v3, ch.13: Sekine’s “first date” with Sara doesn’t just end with chafed heels after all. 😉
And if you’re wondering why there are so many glove references, let the record show that it has always been my unfulfilled desire to see such a duel scene filmed for a British period drama. Horatio Hornblower was an epic series, but I swear it would have been ten times better with one glove scene. (Okay, I don’t know where they’d be able to fit something like that when all the men are filthy and bare-handed aboard the ship, but that won’t stop me from dreaming.)
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Ah man, did you guys know that Principal just ended with a sixty page final in the September issue of Cookie?
I’m a bit sad, but us English readers have a bit to go, yeah?
I’m just curious, but are you guys still scanlating Tokyo Alice? It’s not on any of your lists and I don’t think there was an announcement on dropping it.
Tokyo Alice needs a dedicated cleaner and typesetter. The past editors have retired. We have cleans and translations done for a few more chapters, but after that, nada. Zero. Zilch. If another group wants to joint or take over the project, I’d definitely be open to it. I’ve been holding onto the tankos for several volumes ahead, but haven’t had any offers yet. 🙁
If it’s okay, I’ll try to find another group who is willing to pick it up. Would it be possible to list Tokyo Alice somewhere so that more people can see it? This series is too good to be forgotten about.
It’s listed on the site again. If you can find someone who can help with either the cleaning/typesetting part, we’d definitely be open to a joint since we’ve had proofreads done for up to Ch.9, and I believe Ch.10 script in as well. If the team prefers working on it on their own, that’s fine as well as long as they’re able to have me unload the tankos on them. (I don’t have much time for scanning like I used to.)
What happened to all the other series and chapters on the stiletto reader? I hope this is temporary.
We had to move the reader to another database, so it’s currently being updated, and should be completed by our next release date. 🙂
Thank goodness.
Thank you so much for keeping us updated on projects and for bringing us awesome josei releases!
Thank you!
I just voted for sekine’s love in the poll but to be honest, it’s very hard to picks favorite. I’m surprised that natsuyuki rendezvous got such a low number of votes, i think most people chose sekine over natsuyuki because seknie was more light hearted while natsuyuki is a bit depressing. Also, I couldn’t find teke teke rendezvous either. I hope this poll isn’t geared toward deciding which series to drop, because I’m sure that would break everybody’s heart.
Nah. Just trying to gauge the general Heels’ readers interest. Of course, the ones that score higher points will be the point of focus for the team during this time where we have a case of “shrinking staff syndrome”. But the other projects are still being worked on.
Thanks for replying!
Lol! You are literally the only other person I know that has seen Horatio Hornblower! I loved that series and agree: a glove scene would have made it even ten times better! Anyways, thanks for the lovely releases! You guys are AMAZING!
P.S. – Mugen is adorable!
YOU are the only other person I know that has seen it too. AHHH! A lot of my friends only go for romance, so it’s hard to find any who’d be willing to sit down and watch something like Horatio…or even Jeeves and Wooster. Is there anybody out there who can appreciate Hugh Laurie belting out “Minnie the Moocher” while tapping furiously away at his piano?
Anyway, I feel superficial for admitting to this, but I went into at first only for Ioan Grufford. I saw him in the Forsyte Saga and fell in love. The same thing happened with Oliver Milburn, who I still have a huge crush on to this day after seeing him in Tess of the D’Urbervilles 1998 opposite Justine Waddell.
My brothers think I have some sort of identity crisis because of my fixation on all things British as a kid. But I’m really not bound by any borderlines. I can appreciate beauty and cinema from all countries.
Right now, my hugest crush is on South Indian superstar Prithviraj after seeing him play Dev in the tamil version of Raavanan (2010) opposite Vikram and Aishwarya Rai.

My god that man is sexy in that particular movie, even when decisively cruel and methodical. But then again, I was attracted to the raw power Vikram exuded in his role as Beera as well… even WITH the beard, so you can probably attribute this weird attraction to me being in a late-twenties-crisis, or something. But, hey, anybody whose looks and acting chops can match up to Aishwarya’s on-screen will score big points from me.
And there I go…writing an essay again, and the only real underlying message for this is simply: Mimi watches movies for the hot guys. Haha.
Thank you so much!
Thank you!
Every update is a treat as I follow every single series that SH releases
Thank you!
“This is obstructing pedestrians”
HAHA, wow that got me good
Thank you for everything!
Love Sekine’s Love & Itoshi no Nina!
Thanks for the releases!
I stumbled upon your website when I wanted to find out the manga group who was translating Sekine’s Love. I read a couple of your posts so thank you for sharing some things about your life! It adds some amusement when I read your releases. 🙂
I had a hard time deciding the funny, young guy, your mom’s pyromatic mania, or your cell phone toilet disaster the best story I read. XD I just keep getting reminded of Sekine when the readers learn about his life in small glimpses and seeing your posts gets me thinking, I’m learning about another Sekine!?! XP Though your stories are more eccentric compared to Sekine’s. (>3<)
Again thanks for the releases!
P.S love your cat's name… ha… mugen :3
Releases, kyaaaa! You guys are awesome, seriously. Thank you.
I too am a grown woman who talks to my cat. And meows at her, as well as pretty much any cat I come in contact with. (It’s become a habit, so I can’t help it!)
Bwahaha such a cute cat. 😀
Thank you for the releases, and who the heck would complain about “slow releases”?? Geez.
Ohhhh kawaii!!! Mugen! Mine do the same things! Cats are really strange animals! I’ve a siamese and a European cat, and both they are very very CRAZY! One of them say also: “Mummy !” …only when he wants his food, nice eh?
Anyway thanks a lot for this chapters! I really love Sekine and Principal, today I’m an happy woman!!! They are the best therapy for my headache ;P
Have a nice day guys!
Thank you so much… i just about forgot all my worries when i saw my 2 favourite series in the world (sekine & principal) had been updated. You guys are life savers!
What a cuteee~
Hehe and me too… I talk to my cat all the time too)) and she answering me))
So I tell you it’s nothing wrong with you and me, definitely 😉
Guys, thank you for your hard work, your projects are <3 !!!!!!!
Squee! He’s so cute! How old is he? Also, I talk to my cat all the time (and sometimes we exchange noises). My boyfriend also talks to his cat. You’re not alone in this ^_^
Thanks for the releases. Every chapter released was answered with a mental “Yay!” (3AM and Sekine had extra big yays)
He’s a pretty old cat – I’ve had him for five or six years? The mother and one of the kittens in the same litter was run over by my neighbor’s ferrari, and I found him and his sister living under the canopy of banana leaves in our backyard. I really was only planning to feed them a bowl of milk and cheese, but I don’t know what happened. You should put up photos of your cat!
But yeah, definitely exhaling a sigh of relief here, knowing that I’m not the only one conversing with my cat and actually believing they can sometimes understand what I’m saying, lol.
I think given enough time and repetition, cats definitely learn to understand what you say, even if it’s not a lot. I never try to have complex conversations with my cat, but I’m pretty sure she understands a few simple commands. Or at least the tones I use when I say them.
What happened to his sister then? Did you find her a home or does she live with you too?
She’s living with me too. Who could resist this ridiculously cute face?!
Who indeed. KEYOOT!! I have that problem where pretty much every cat is cute, and I just want to give them all homes. Dammit, why can’t I be a super-rich, charismatic cat lady instead of one-cat woman of ordinary means? Alas!! >_<
Love you guys, thanks for the new Sekine chapter 😀