Hold onto your horses, crazy fangirls. It’s not yaoi. We’ve got a new Kawachi Haruka project hot off the press, called Natsuyuki Rendezvous, which loosely translates as Summer Snow Rendezvous. It is good, I tell you. When Lilanar sent it in for QC, I went into the company bathroom, locked the door to my stall, did my endless-guts’ pose tribal dance and hissed wildly, “Yes, yes, yes!” (Blame it on lack of calcium and sleep.)
Temporary insanity aside, we are two weeks overdue. Two things happened:
1) I decided to hold releases to coincide with our joint group, Forbidden Garden’s anniversary. Just because they are good friends, and it is a special occasion for celebration. Happy aniversary, Urdzy and Co!
2) After getting rear-ended in a hit-and-run incident over the Memorial Day weekend, Stiletto was bedridden and bored and decided to tally out all the Hoo-Haa’s from our Sexy Back post. She counted 36 million (including chili’s hoo-haa train + the big 1M from tcoast.) Domo Arigato, Heels’ Cheerleaders. You have bowled us both over with laughter on one of the worst weekends of our lives, and made a really uncomfortable ordeal seem as trivial as navel lint.
Bitou Lollipop Volume 2, Ch6 – Ono wins some brownie points??? and Tomoyo gets pwn’ed by Madoka.
Futago Volume 2, Ch10 – Nothing really happens, but boy did I miss these people.
Natsuyuki Rendezvous Volume 1, Ch1 – Don’t the let the screen-tone nips bother you, he he he.
Sekine’s Love Volume 1, Ch3 – Yes, there’s a password for the safety of some virgin eyes. (This comic does run in Manga Erotics F after all. ) I could just throw caution to the wind and say, “Heck, it’s readers’ discretion advised,” but you know me, I’m the type who likes to build my bridges before I cross them. The keyword is: mago
You can find links to Ch.6 on the Bitou Lollipop page (listed under Multi-Tanko projects on the side bar. Or you could go here: Bitou Lollipop Page
The link to Bitou Lollipop is no longer working.
Love your selections of mangas as usual. Thank you! Natsuyuki Rendezvous looks great already.
I love you Stiletto Heels and everything you do. I’m especially fond of Bitou Lollipop and Futago. As I approach my 30s, I realize that manga will be a lifelong hobby of mine rather than something I’ll grow out of, so thank you for bringing quality manga scanlations to the table. I’m a bit late to the party, but Hoo-Haa. =3
whaa thank you so much!!!
taking sekine-kun no kioi & natsuyuki rendezvous~
I’ve been wondering why sekine is labeled on the mature genre and now this chapter answered my question…poor him:(
Thank you so much for Bitou Lollipop!~ I just love the series! <3 xD
thank you! thank you so much!!! really love your releases. the new project looks nice.
love yah! ♥
Yaaaaaaay!!! thank you very much for the releases
GO futago, GO bitou lollipop, GO Sekine’s love aaaaaaand… GOOOO Natsuyuki rendezvous!!!!! No, seriously, thanks!!
Awww~ no silly catch phrase this week… :p
Anyways, many many thanks and hugs for the lovelies!!! It’s like someone rang my doorbell and presented me with a basket of yummy goodies of Stiletto Heels releases <3<3
Yay!! Thank you for the releases – especially Bitou Lollipop!
my facebook status update:
Thank you so much for the release!!! You have the best contemporary, slice of life josei selection atm, and you introduced me to an AWESOME mangaka (Iketani Rikako-sensei) so I’m more than grateful for your effort!!!
@KERI: The accident was only bad enough to leave us shaken. We are going to the chiropractor because our lawyer recommended it. Plus the cops have nabbed the guy who took off because we got his license plate number. Thanks so much for giving a bit of personal experience. I’ll probably let the chiro crack my bones after all…just in case. I was really scared to do it at first, so I was really reluctant when they asked if I needed more than the massage chair. But now I’m reconsidering after hearing about what happened to your family.
@Hastumimi: Yeah, I tell my horror stories to everyone, because in my case, we didn’t realize until *five* years later why I kept having so many back/hip problems, and by then it was too late to do anything about it, and I no longer had health insurance myself. Even tiny car accidents can be a major deal, and I just don’t want anyone else to go through what me and my family have if they can avoid it!
I’m glad you’re mostly okay, though
Wow, that really sucks. I didn’t know it would take years for problems to emerge. Yikes! If we get a tap with no big dents, I usually just let people go. Sorry to hear that it had to have happened to you though.
Thank you so much for all the lovely chapters – that’s all I’m going to say because now I’m off to read…
hahaha I jumped with joy when I thought u guys are finally scanlating yaoi, …..haaa..(can’t even describe my disappointment)
But then I read comment about nipples and such..
I’m fired up again lol
As usual, thanks for your hard work guys! I love u i really do!
And please take care!
I am a bit shocked how much I am enjoying reading a new episode out of Sekine’s life. The author could let him be unhappy forever, and let the series run forever, and I would be fine to never see a happy Sekine as long as I get new chapters every year. :>
Yay I missed Futago…thanks so much for another chapter!
love U guys <3
Thank you so very much for Kawachi sensei’s works, and I’m sad to see ‘unauthorized sharing’ happened again.
Drats!! Thwarted again…!?
Oh nooo a hit-and-run rear-ending? That’s the worst! I can’t tell you how many times someone in my family has been rear-ended and seemed to be fine after, except for a bit of neck pain from the whiplash, only to discover days or weeks later that something major got hurt. My mom has a tear in a ligament in her hip, plus the rotator cuffs in both shoulders…I have a rotated pelvis, apparently because of the way the muscles bunched up…my brother sprained his ankle but didn’t notice right away… ugh, it’s just bad news. At least if it’s not a hit-and-run, you can get the other guy’s insurance to cover the medical fees!
Anyway, I hope everything is going well with that, and thank you for the Futago! also Bitou Lollipop and Sekine’s Love, but Futago is one of my faaaavorites that hasn’t been finished yet.
OOOH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! i’ve waited so long for bitou lollipop. it is so cute. i am pleased to see the ending of this chapter
even if (ok it drives me nuts) Madoka was probably joking… ANYWAY. Thankyuuuu!
Haha, Shimao certainly got my attention flashing those nips! Congrats on the release.
Haha, I figured you’d pick up on that somehow. :p
:OOO don’t tempt me!
if it’s true,I give you guys a box of carrots!
I already love Natsuyuki Rendez-vous but his nipples are freaking me out! I didn’t think it would be so bad. I don’t have the time to read the other chapters for now but I love having too many things to read! Thank you!
Haha, guess you’ll have to get your heart meds ready next week when we actually do release Asakura’s Teketeke.
waa,I’m in the post
(I know how the famous people feel now,finally…’spring of my youth…or something similar that japanese say) and HOO-HAA again for it! :))
oh and thanks for the releases,great batch again (though I almost did have a heartattack,cuz I thought Teke rendezvous was released by the ultimate greatness,George Asakura,but never mind,it’s almost the same :D)
carrots to everybody!
Very nice releases! I am reading 3 of those series (except Futago), so I’m happy.
Thanks a lot.
Hello, please try the link again, and let me know if you have any problems. ;D
Thanks so much for the releases!
Although, Futago volume 2 chapter 10 isn’t working D: