You know that gnawing sensation in your guts? The uncomfortable feeling you get when the pit of your stomach feels hollow? And, no, I’m not talking about Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
It’s that same feeling like when I was thirteen years old, having holed myself up in my room for days after school, just so I could subject the entire Highwind crew from FF7 to hours upon hours of vicious torture sessions, by parking the airship in certain areas around the forests surrounding Mideel and dropping them off in trios to battle enemies, so they could level grind their butts to 9999 HP. I did this in preparation for the last battle. A battle which never came because I had then (and still do now) this insane fear of things coming to an end.
It is the same feeling I get every time I’m supposed to go on a trip abroad (or in my friend’s words: Cutting [my] umbilical cord from America), on an airplane, and I call my best friend last minute and croak over the phone in the lamest of lame voices, “I’m sorry, J, I just- I just can’t go through with it…”
And here I am again, at the threshold of another important event – Sekine’s confession, for Pete’s sake! – and still so damn unwilling to cross that bridge. But, of course, I had you to think about. And poor Lilanar has spent so much of her free time dueling through this chapter before me, so, well, there’s no turning back now.
This is for Lilanar, for you guys, for the bosses in mid-90’s RPGs that I never went to beat, and for all the times I refused to get on a plane with my best friend J:
– Sekine’s Love v4, ch.16: Will he? Will he? Will he?
*Per upper staff’s decision, downloads for new chapters will be available on the projects’ page 1-2 days after release.
Also, we screwed up a bit on our prior releases of Ane no Kekkon and Torch Song Ecology. Bizkit was about to lay the smackdown on me if I didn’t get my act together and harvest better results. So these are dedicated to you, Bizkit, badass layer of the smackdowns:
– Ane no Kekkon ch.5(fixed): Download | Read Online
– Torch Song Ecology ch.2(fixed): Download | Read Online
I can’t wait for more releases of Sekine’s Love
It has been an addicting series!
Thank you all for your hard work, it is much appreciated.
You guys are absolutely the best so please keep up the good work and I, as well as many others, will be looking forward to your future scans
I can’t wait for more releases of Sekine’s Love
It has been an addicting series!
Thank you all for your hard work, it is much appreciated.
You guys are absolutely the best so please keep up the good work and I, as well as many others, will be looking forward to your future scans
Thanks for all the Sekine’s Love chapters.
Amazing work on them all! The lines flow seamlessly and the editing and typesetting is pleasing to the eye.
Keep up the great work!
I’m so happy you like our translations and editing. The staff really tries hard to do justice to the original manga. We really love the mangas we work on, so I’m glad that it shows in what we put out. I’m still hoping that these will get picked up in the US though. A part of me will hate to drop the project, but having something we love get its due recognition comes with even more satisfaction.
Thanks for all the Sekine’s Love chapters.
Amazing work on them all! The lines flow seamlessly and the editing and typesetting is pleasing to the eye.
Keep up the great work!
I’m so happy you like our translations and editing. The staff really tries hard to do justice to the original manga. We really love the mangas we work on, so I’m glad that it shows in what we put out. I’m still hoping that these will get picked up in the US though. A part of me will hate to drop the project, but having something we love get its due recognition comes with even more satisfaction.
Re-reading Sekine for the umpteenth time. I just want to thank the Stiletto Heels team, reading this manga might be my favorite pass-time.
Re-reading Sekine for the umpteenth time. I just want to thank the Stiletto Heels team, reading this manga might be my favorite pass-time.
One more great chapter:D Thank you for your hard work!
One more great chapter:D Thank you for your hard work!
Uwaaa!!! I totally didn’t expect a new chapter of Sekine as fast as this.
Really thank you guys <33
Off to read~ hoping it would be another exciting chapter XD
I love this series more than anything. Thank you Stiletto Heels.
I love this series more than anything. Thank you Stiletto Heels.
oh thank you! I love this manga and effort
That feels like when I’d hold my Pokemon back for as long as possible before letting them evolve. I probably had the strongest Turtwig imagineable before I finally acknowledged that there’s a limit to how much I can interfere with its growth before it starts to become pathetic. So I bit the bullet and let him change into his other forms. I beat the game (and accumulated some 600+ hours of gameplay) but every now and then I think back on that Turtwig and my heart goes “wahhhhh”.
Anyway I’m glad Sekine is biting the bullet. Thank you for the release!
omg, 600+ hours?! #@432a!!! *pictures Rexy as a “Super Nerd”*
You dang right I’m a badass. XD
Thank you!!!
Thanks so much for the release of Sekine!
Thank you so much for the new chapter of Sekine-kun <3 much much appreciated guys *o*
Ohhhhhh Sekine! I love this man! Thanks a lot guys for your hard work! I love this project more and more …. and if she won’t arghhhhh!
I hope you’ll be able to put it out in Italian soon. Sekine needs to go worldwide!
Sekine’s here!!!
Thank you, hugs, kisses etc etc etc
I really wonder why I refuse to go to bed when I’m supposed to get more sleep… Anyway, I saw Sekine-kun’s update, so I had the urge to read it before sleeping! IT WAS SO SHORT! But then, Sekine made a huge step forward, huge? I think yes for him? X) I’m looking forward to their real first date! Thank you so much for your hard work! I think I’ll have a good night
Let’s hope that Sara knows this is going to be a “real date.” Because sometimes I suspect she’s a little bit off her rocker when it comes to love. Like, she’s even more handicapped in these matters than even Sekine, who actually KNOWS what he wants and goes out to get it.