Heading Into Tornado Season. Fun, fun, right? Based on where I live, it’s a popular spot for tornadoes to wreak havoc on us. Don’t worry, I’ll survive and keep releasing…
St. Patrick’s Day: Irish Good Luck!
Spring cleaning at my aunt’s house to prepare for my brother’s arrival. Getting ill with a cold (I am finally feeling 90% better). Busy, busy… Finally, I was able to…
Year of Dragon
Well, hi! I’m back. Work had been kicking my butt since December, but I was let go around two weeks ago by email. Is it not cool? My now-former supervisor…
Be Thankful For…
Due to our staff’s generous spirit and hard work, we decided to share some wonderful chapters to tide you over for awhile. All thanks to shielshi for sharing some cool…
14th Anni Part I: Ono Natsume Galore to Be Had
HAPPY 14th Anniversary!!! WOW, that long… we might be getting old. Hmm…. It has been a while. Sorry about that. IRL, I just got busy with work and went on…
Good Things are on the Horizon
Well…well. We are approaching a new year. We managed to accomplish a lot of things this past year. Got this group up and running, managed to recruit good people (I…