Who’s loving the autumn season? Even though October is almost here, the autumn season has yet to arrive where I reside. It’s still really hot here. According to my memory,…
Second Part, 13th Anniversary: Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you
‘Go Now’ Those two words shut a door Between me and the blessed rain That was never shut before And will not open again … Getting a lump in my…
Spring No More
Summer officially begins today. Who is looking forward to the season? Me, NOT. Why? I live in the south where it’s hot and humid. All I want is to stay…
daDum daDum daDum daDum
This is gonna be a good one. We slowly are getting things done behind the scenes. We are excited and loving our projects again. So let’s discuss the releases. We…
13 Years. Oh wait, 13 is Bad luck…?
To get through this exhausting and mental draining semester with the full load of classes and never-ending papers to write every week. It gives me a chance to enjoy,…