Yes, I’m alone on Valentines, re-watching episodes of Bu Bu Jing Xin on my laptop and sobbing uncontrollably as Rouxi (the demure Liu Shi shi) hugs 4th Prince/Emperor Yongzhen (the…
Black-mailing Fridge Tyrants & Release
If you’re wondering what has become of the 21-year-old male Taiwanese administrative assistant sent down by our HR department, well he’s a tricky one. First few days in he raided…
When your cell nose-dives into the toilet bowl (along with everything else in life.)
Yesterday I dropped my cell in the company toilet. I was wearing those stupid tight-as-heck benggirl high-waist jeans and bent over to pick something up in the bathroom stall, and…
Back and on the attack
I’m not going to burden everyone with my worries, so here is the post I prepared a month and a half ago. Just know that we are back, and I…
Just when you think things can’t get any worse…they get worse.
We will be back to release on the first week of October. Until then, just imagine we have all gone fishing in hopes of catching halibut, some nice fat trout,…
The Re-return of Bitou Lollipop
The Re-return of Bitou Lollipop I wish I had something clever to say, but this ridiculous heat wave has zapped all the energy out of me. It doesn’t help that…