A vivid dream, like an unshakable leech, clings to the forefront of my thoughts, and like the bulging, black, blood-sucking creature that it is cannot be removed without taking a part of me with it.
In it, a young woman is standing on a pier during what people like to call the magic hour. I must be very close, hovering in the peripheral, even, because I recall that I can see the soft light collected on her eyelashes like pollen. A moment later she is hoisting herself onto the railing, and I realize that it is me who is standing on the railing, because I can see what she sees: The roaring blackness beneath, like the cavern of a dark mouth, open and ready to swallow her whole. I close my eyes and heave forward when someone’s arms reaches out from behind me, a man’s arms, thick and sinewy with muscle, encircling my waist to pull me back against him, and then… my eyes snap open, the alarm is going off, and I realize it’s time to get up.
I find that this dream has unnerved me, and I’m not sure why. Sure, I woke up on the same bed, in the same room, in the very same floral shorts and tank from the night before, but I feel as if I’m not in the same place, and not the same person I was yesterday.
What was your dream today?
Anata no Koto wa Sorehodo Ch.2: Download | Read Online
OK, so I’m not saying people who don’t want to read this are a bunch of stuffed up fools, or that people should accept, or turn a blind eye, toward adultery. But it does take a bit of knocking to get us off our “high horse” a little, so to speak, so that we can read these intimate characterizations without wanting to smite thunder upon them. I love how frank Ikuemi Ryo’s approach to the subject is. Marriages don’t always end with a “happily ever after”; People do cheat on other people; Sometimes you may love your spouse more than he or she loves you, and it can make you do some crazy things. So maybe I am demanding you sit this bastard out with me because I, selfish being that I am, believe that you need to know what happens, even if everything unravels before your very eyes, and shit hits the fan, and we all end up getting so freaking mad at these people, all because I think that you will come out the better for knowing it. /gasps for air
Balancing Toy Ch.9: Download | Read Online
Why are some people rooting for Seiji as a romantic love interest? That’s like Mr. Jarndyce (Seiji) raising Esther (Haru) to be his future wife. I would have seriously upturned my table if Esther did not get with Dr. Woodcourt, and that was even with Jarndyce not having literally spent everyday of Esther’s childhood dressing her up, tying her hair, and tucking her into bed at night. (Ten e-nods to anyone who knows their Dickens.)
Chiruhi Ch.6:
Download | Read Online
Under the beautiful canopy of cherry blossoms, a young woman with desires to escape her fate meets with a young man who is returning to his.
Side note: Though it pains me that this project has come to an end, I must say that there were so many more happy moments while working on it, especially being able to team up with such wonderful people as cheesecrayons, Lilanar, and my sister, Stiletto, to complete this beautifully-crafted collection of short stories. I hope any passing soul will stop for a moment to immerse themselves in Kawachi Haruka’s “Edo”, and be momentarily transported to a time where things moved at a more languid pace, people seemed to have time for whimsical reflections, prostitutes had gorgeous kimonos, and men had funny haircuts. So, so, so worth your precious time. Please don’t forget to read it.
Toribako House Ch.4: Download | Read Online
At last, we can finally bade good bye to the sleepover party at Toribako House and Miki’s overbearing boyfriend.
I agree, why ARE people going for Seiji? I obviously root for Bonta-kun! He’s such a sweetheart, and no matter what, I truly think he is very fitting for her! He’s always taken care for her, and his love for her is so pure and honest. He even yearned and missed Haru, and he is never in denial of his feelings for her (except for when they were separated, but he soon realized his true feelings for her). Seiji is already reminded of his lover through Haru, so why should Haru and Seiji end up being together if their love won’t be solely pure? And it’s not like Seiji has any special feelings for his own step-daughter aside from his fatherly love for Haru. Honestly, I totally root for BontaxHaru. Bonta is so cool and shy, but when he’s honest, he is such a brutally cute, adorable (and somewhat smexy) person. ♥ :’) GO BONTA-KUUN!~
Just finished Chiruhi, and I don’t know what to feel. That was so worth it! It has that bittersweet aftereffect. Thank you for Toribako House too! The wait’s been worth it.
It’s awesome how you can describe your dream in such precious details. I usually don’t remember my dreams but somehow I managed to remember yesterday’s! It was quite random. A pandemic broke out. The only cures were the herbs in the space. So… I ended up collecting herbs floating in space and saved the world…. yeah.
Huh, I just started Far From the Madding Crowd. I really enjoy it so far. I didn’t think I’d like Hardy’s style of writing but, I think it’s quite good. Anyway, I’m quite excited for the new adaption. I’m not a fan of Carey Mulligan, but I love Michael Sheen and I cannot wait to see his portrayal of Boldwood. I’ve only seen the 1996 BBC version, but I’ve got the 1967 version in my Netflix queue.
Oh and call me perverse but I totally root for Seiji/Haru. I don’t know, there’s something in me that loves the older caretaker figure? Maybe I can identify with Haru’s quasi-romantic over-the-top admiration. She’s very furtive though. I also root for her and the oddball blonde prince (aka the other one than Bonta). Chie? lol
For a moment today, I remembered what my dream was. Then I promptly forgot it again. It involved some girl I knew and I had to “deal with her” intimately somehow.
But I’ve had a few dreams I couldn’t shake in the past. Where I kind of felt like they signified something. One was this really vivid dream where I went marauding around these alien worlds and had a super intense longing for a burger (as a symbol of the Mother Planet), whereas another was one where I fell in love with a boy but had to get back on the bus to my own universe and say goodbye. A few others like that ^^’ but a lot of those are from back in the day, when I was a young tyke and had vivid dreams all the time.
Toribako House is being dropped? Or what do you mean by goodbyes? Does it mean I’ll never know how this bunch of freaks can carry on living?!?
We’re just saying good bye to the part where Miki spends a night at Toribako House to escape her obsessive boyfriend, which took us years to wade through, but you’ll definitely be seeing more of it soon.
Thank God! God Bless You All! Such a relief, damn!
Twas’ a beautiful chapter from Balancing Toy. The card Haru gave Seiji really touched me just as much as Seiji because they reminded me of the cards (with the 3 year old like drawings) I made for my own mother. I still make her cards and I still suck at it, but who cares. Anyway, besides Seiji’s birthday WE HAD A CONFESSION FROM BONTA. *be still my fan girl heart* I thought the little snippets of his own thoughts and words were well said because he was getting kind of douchie during the last chapter (somewhat understandable given his premature childhood growing up without his father and due to his dishonest nature), but I liked that he told her his reason for why they even parted in the first place and that he told him that he loved her and that he wanted to feel all those emotions that came with liking someone with Haru. Well, I’m in lalaland right now since Balancing Toy is my favorite series from your lineup (Beside Sekine, bless his soul) so I thank you my dear Stilleto Heels team :3
Omgomgomg, IKR??!! Bonta was totally cool and so darn cute!! I thought I was the only one, but I guess there are just as many Bonta/Haru shippers as much as there are for Seiji/Haru. Still, I died so hard when Bonta confessed. His true, honest nature makes him so darn adorable, I really wouldn’t stand it if Haru didn’t end up with him. I don’t favour Towa b/c he doesn’t click for me. I mean, sure he may have some interest, but his love cannot compete with Bonta’s. Bonta has long yearned for her, and I’m truly going crazy over him!! ♥♥♥♥♥ I hope Haru doesn’t wander off with anyone else but Bonta.
And just like someone mentioned earlier, I really like Seiji and Haru’s relationship right now. If it gets any further to the next level, it’ll really ruin the whole premise of the story, and things will just be plain weird (and scary). I mean, Haru’s having such great development with Bonta and a good father-daughter relationship with Seiji, why make it more unrealistic with Seiji+Haru? (Omg, and when Bonta gets jealous, he’s so damn cute and smexy…♥)
Hahaha, wow, I totally know what you mean about feeling like a different person after certain dreams. I guess it seems like it’d be weird, since dreams are just dreams, but any type of experience, whether it be a conversation, event, watching a film, and so on can really affect you or how you see the world, and since dreams are also an experience, I guess it makes sense.
I usually have bizarre and complex dreams, but recently I haven’t been remembering any. The last one I remember off the top of my head was I was one about Seinfeld; George was emptying the dish washer and all of the utensils smelled like liver. So Elaine said “All you gotta do is use Awesome!” (In case you haven’t heard of it, Awesome is the name of a cleaning spray) So she got a bunch of bottles and all four of them started spraying each other with it, like a water fight (…), and I said “No!!” because it’s a toxic thing you should not be spraying!!! and a giant bucket of water floating above them turned over and totally soaked all of them. Then, from the fire escape, a midget guy who was supposed to be the owner of the building started knocking on the window. Kramer went to open it, and the owner started yelling that Kramer had to pay up, otherwise the Belarusians weren’t gonna be happy.
I agree about Anata no Koto wa Sorehodo =w= Not that I’m all for adultery, but I think it’s important for there to be stories showing the uglier sides of humanity, and just in general subjects people don’t think about or don’t want to think about. Though, I don’t think any characters could make me angrier than the shithead MC of Yubisaki Milk Tea. Absolute scum!! (ノ °益°)ノ 彡 ┻━┻
Ahem anyway since Chiruhi is completed AND short I decided I’ll give it a read. So, thank you!! +w+
I noticed this was your second Seinfeld reference of the day. It’s tickled my curiosity. I’ve actually never seen the show, not during its run or the following re-runs of it, but oddly, the faces of all the characters you were referring to are as familiar as my own family’s. Thus is the incredibly invasive reaches of the cultural phenomenon people call “Seinfeld.” If you ever see this message, hit my lazy bum with a link to a clip of your favorite scene, so I can see what it’s all about.
Yeah, I didn’t even intentionally do that. I was thinking of changing it, but it was my true thought in my heart.
When Seinfeld was airing I was a bit too young for it, but since it was huge, it had re-runs everywhere and I managed to see most of it on TBS (dinner time entertainment ( *´艸`)). I actually didn’t think I’d like it that much (because it was popular) but it was actually hilarious. In general I’m late to the party for a lot of stuff, just because I’m a cool rebel. It took me a good 18 years to see Star Wars and Indiana Jones all the way through (I had only seen bits of them playing on TV… I hate watching stuff part-way through so I would quickly change the channel or leave the room =w=). People sure get angry and shocked if you haven’t seen something they’ve seen!!
FAVORITE CLIP? FAVORITE?!?!? THAT’S NOT EVEN POSSIBLE! They’re all great!!! A lot of the comedy is in the progression of events, but I googled best scene and I got a few that work pretty well as stand alone?? It’s actually been ages since I’ve seen it so that’s probably a good thing otherwise the list of clips would never end.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgOdMSIAH1Q This is probably my favorite, but it needs a bit of back story. George decides to give up sex and becomes more intelligent. Elaine does as well, and becomes… that. hahaha
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usN3rpfFoGA I use this line all the time. For everything.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC064baQpSE Anything with Peterman is gold.
I’d recommend watching the entirety of The Merv Griffin show because it’s great the whole way through. The Chicken Roaster is too but that one is better if you know the characters a bit more. Also The Bizarro Jerry. And The Marine Biologist. The Comeback. The Susie. OK I’ll stop sorry
Also while on my search I came across this which is probably the best thing to say to anyone ever:
Jerry (to George): You really need some help. A regular psychiatrist couldn’t even help you. You need to go to, like, Vienna or something. You know what I mean? You need to get involved at the university level, like where Freud studied, and have all those people looking at you and checking up on you. That’s the kind of help you need. Not the once-a-week for eighty bucks, no. You need a team. A team of psychiatrists working around the clock, thinking about you, having conferences, observing you like the way they did with the elephant man. That’s what I’m talking about, because that’s the only way you’re going to get better.
Saturday night, I dreamt of an old workplace I dearly loved, with coworkers I also held dear, but somehow became mixed with my new workplace/workmates and also at some point expanded to house a gaudy museum. In the dream I struggled to find any remnants of things and places I once found so familiar and cherished. Instead I found indifferent friends and got lost in the shuffle of mindless tourism-commerce. Just before I woke up, my current sous chef, asked me a somewhat profound question that I can no longer remember. I woke up feeling saddened, like that dream was a distillation of my fears and concerns that have been plaguing me off and on ever since I moved to the Pacific Northwest. Right after awakening and retelling my dream to the boyfriend, I started crying. Now I wish I’d written down the words I had heard!
Damn you, now I’m curious to know what the sous-chef said! /shakes fist
On the other hand, it was strangely exhilarating to find out that you’re working as a chef. Or at least I think you are, aren’t you? I guess I’m a bit of a creeper, always curious to get a peep into our readers’ lives.
Ooh, before I forget, I downloaded the sample of Georgette Heyer’s Venetia on my android kindle. First chapter seemed extremely wordy at first glance, but when my washer broke down, and I went to the coin Laundromat over the weekend and had time on my hands to actually sit down and read it, I couldn’t believe I didn’t do it sooner. Though Venetia is clever, it’s Aubrey’s derisive looks and glowering presence which slays me. Also, Lord and Lady Denny remind me of my aunt and uncle, especially when they’re discussing Venetia’s marriage prospects, hehe. It was only $8.95 on Amazon, so I bought it. Now I just have to trudge through the last thirty pages of Far From the Madding Crowd, so I could plunk myself down to read it.
The Thomas Hardy novel is getting a remake with Carey Mulligan, and it had me excited to read it again. I’ve also put your recommendations on my to-read list. With the broken washer, I’m sure I’ll have plenty of time for reading.
Yay! I am so glad you got Venetia! Aubrey is a hoot, isn’t he? Ah, that book is SO GOOD. I can throw out more faves but Venetia’s the one that’s closest to my heart with its balance of hilarious character interactions/dialogue and romantic moments. (Faro’s Daughter is a close second and I am currently reading Lady of Quality. I’m also venturing into fairy tale retellings.)
As for my life outside of manga… Yep I definitely work in the food industry, but I’m just a plain ole cook. (Chef is a title with huge responsibilities I’m not really willing or ready to shoulder at the moment.) When I’m in a cheeky mood, I just tell people I’m a kitchen wench ^_~
If you ever want to talk about food with anybody, pick me! I love to make dumplings, caramels, and braised pork belly. Tomorrow I’m going to bake peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.
Thanks for the new chapter of Anata no Koto wa Sorehodo! I’ve been really drawn to the characters in this story, and really want to know how the story will turn out. It’s those mangas that really tackle issues in a realistic manner – with characters who are not cut-board versions of archetypes, that make you think. Besides, all the flowery stuff in shoujos, while nice, aren’t always there in reality.
As for dreams, I’ve recently begun to dream again, this time more like my subconscious projecting my worries onto rather weird tableaus. Previously my dreams mostly involved my being killed in some mystical way – such as by a giant invisible spider…lol
I didn’t dream last night, but I had that dream not long ago where my secret (a secret that I couldn’t even tell a bestfriend) was revealed and it spread with out of my control and that the whole population knew about it. That was pretty much the end of the world type of dream, worst type of dream ever.
Thank you for the releases! Just read Balancing, and Bonta was sooooo damn cute! I’m shipping him. I don’t ship Seiji, I find their peculiar fatherhood very special and I like the way it is. (Usagi drop ending kind of ruined the series for me). And I also just read Chiruhi! What a great josei! The guy in this last chapter said some very wise words. I kind of think he’s that little boy who left Edo in chapter 1.
If I hadn’t been reading up on the Woody Allen/ Soon-Yi Previn scandal, and if it wasn’t so freshly imprinted on my mind, maybe I’d feel less perturbed at the thought of a Seiji-Haru romance. Of course, I doubt Seiji would be taking nude photos of Haru, but the thought of him thinking of her in that way is just really scary… I did skip the ending of Usagi Drop though. Not over the moral dilemma, but just because I just prefer their relationship prior to the dastardly time skip.
Oh, and about Chiruhi, your observations are right on the money. I love how everything comes full circle, and we sort of get some closure on their story.
I think I’ll always have difficulties to accept the this type of switch in their relationship.
And glad to have someone confirm my thought on Chiruhi!
I will take those e-nods as I was delighted with your Bleak House references. Although I’ve never read the book I have watched the 2005 BBC series multiple times. I must admit it occurred to me that Seiji and Haru’s relationship reminds me a lot Daikichi and Rin’s from Usagi Drop. Perhaps that’s what all the shipping is about.
I didn’t have a dream today but I had one yesterday XDD where apparantly my ex boyfriend was in south carolina and asked me to pick him up… idk why he was all the way over there, but he showed me a picture of the room he was staying in and it was FULL OF STUFFED TOY RABBITS (he loves rabbits) hahahaha
Thanks for the releases.
BTW the series description for Chiruhi on the online reader is wrong…
Oh, man, thanks for telling me. If you hadn’t said anything, it would have been like that forever! (eep!)
Thank you so much for Anata no Koto wa Sorehodo ! I completely agree with everything you said about adultery and honestly this is the kind of josei I like. Not shoujo labeled as josei that sugarcoats everything. Also I still can’t believe the ultra low rating this manga has on Manga updates. Meh, more quality josei for me. ^-^
The sensitive nature of the subject matter probably got their knickers in a twist, and understandably so. It doesn’t help paint a very pretty picture when we find out that Arishima had a SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER baby on the way, and Miyoshi was “okay” with it. Most people expect to be able to identify, sympathize or at least find some redeeming quality in at least one of the characters in the story. When there is none to be found, people become outraged, lol.