Labor Day is a few days away, and here we are, forced to clock in overtime, and there’s even talk of having to camp out for another few hours in the office. So for me, tomorrow is my real weekend, and out of common courtesy, I asked my supervisor what he would be doing tonight and he replied, “Same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!” (Apparently I have been designated the one without brains.) Since the show is now his current favorite, he will use this line every time we ask that question, and since he’s our boss, it’s our fiduciary duty to ask it at the end of every day.
I have been hunched in my cubicle for minutes now wondering whether it would be wise to break up the monotony by singing The Beets’ I need more allowance! Yo-do-lay-hee-hoo~ when he hands me my paycheck.

First up (and probably last for you hooligans who fast-forward through everything I say to get to the releases):
Treats to get you through your boring Labor Day Weekend.
(Munch slowly, munch quickly, munch in pieces if you want!)
Heartbroken Chocolatier Volume 1, Ch.2[Souta gives me the creeps. I want to cut myself free from this moron, but, but…If only he wasn’t so hot in an apron…]
Sekine’s Love Volume 1, Ch.4 [Keep your heart meds handy. This guy has the power to make it ache so badly, you’d need a doctor.]
Toribako House Volume 1, Ch.1 [This is what happens when you throw together an anally-retentive, space-invading college brat and a gutless, claustrophobic, overly-sensitive girl.]
You can read these releases online at our Heels reader, located on the [HEELS READER] tab on your right-hand side, made possibleby Tamashii and Tessa from Evil Flowers. (I told them I was PC-retarded, and they patted me on the head and said, “It’s okay, dear,” and a day later, it was done.) From now on, you can catch new releases and reminisce over old ones. There may be some errors when uploading chapters to the reader, but please be patient as we will try and get them fixed right away.
Second: I could almost faint at how lucky I am these past few months. Six new editors signed up and our HQ bustled back to life.
We now have Love-chan, an editor who occupies my time with her constant WOT (wall of text) messages, addiction to all things Josei, and who I’ve now designated (against her will) my constant e-panion during lonely afternoons in the cubicle. Then there’s Notsotranquil, who (staying true to her name) is not afraid to say the word, “uterus.” And then there’s Mate from Germany who is a person of little words but a lot of action. Oh, and lets not forget Pirato4ka, who can’t resist two things: Tall, long-haired blond bishies and spoilers.
There’s also a few staff we’ll have plenty of time in the future to get to know: Kitsune, Kei, augi and Choco-Noctis.
As always, thanks, for your “thanks.” It’s always nice to get a little ego boost every once in a while, but what really keeps us going is your feedback on the chapters you read: What do you like about the characters? What do do you hate about them? Who do you want to jump off a cliff? What do you think will happen next? Share with us, please!
Our next September release will be:
Nina My Love by Ikeumi Ryo
Teketeke Rendezvous by George Asakura
Our upcoming September releases are:
3 am Dangerous Zone by Nemu Youko
Bitou Lollipop by Iketani Ricaco
Futago by Iketani Ricaco
Himawari by Ueno Ai
Natsuyuki Rendezvous by Kawachi Haruka
Principal by Ikuemi Ryo
thanks stiletto heels staff for the new releases! after a manga hiatus i had to check out my fave scanlators! wooh and i found releases! THANKS thanks thanks!! xoxoxo
(btw I love Sekine’s love and Chocolatier… and Unita Yumi too… yay!)
@hatsumimi I LOVE all your crazy funny posts too… “itβs our fiduciary duty to ask it at the end of every day” -> LOL!!
So, I know I’m late in commenting (>.>’) but I wanna thank you all for the new chapters! And it’s nice to know that you guys want us to share feedback on the actual content of the chapters. :’]
Oh, Sekine, what is it with you? And those crazy girls he seems to be constantly surrounded by give me the creeps. The granddaughter is cute, though. <3 Speaking of which, what's up with the way Sekine was walking when he had a stomachache, just after Kazune implied that she thought they were dating?? lololol Also, Kazune seems nice, despite Sekine's being creeped out by her skinniness…She seemed concerned with his relationships with girls.
His tears at the end…aw. ;_;
A man who can manage a “cat-walk” when he’s feeling sick just makes my heart melt! I bet Sara (the grand-daughter) was feeling that slight pinch too. I thought it was really cute when Kazune mentioned how she was puzzled over him giving piggy-back rides to other girls at school. I don’t know, but Kazune-sempai must be riding on the same vein of naivete that Sekine rides on, haha. As for his deal with skinny girls, Chapter 5 will explain it in more detail. π
Thank you! Thank you! I’m sending so much love to you all! I love Sekine. Haha, he has so much emotional baggage, poor thing. And I haven’t had a chance to read the second chap of Chocolatier, but I love the series so far!
I care for nothing but Sekine’s love. That guy is just so funny and full of surprise!
Lots of stiletto love from me!!!!
BIG Thank you to the team working on this!
PS. its that your other titles are not interesting is just that most of my favorites in ur list are licensed nad done in my country.
o m g.
I wasn’t paying attention and just downloaded Toribako House because, well, you guys are doing it and I have yet to dislike any projects you work on. Then I opened it and was half-asleep and saw the drawings and, oh wait, isn’t that Unita Yumi’s style of drawing hands?! fuck yes! it IS Unita!
I’m so excited to see this it’s sad. It was because of you guys doing SUKIMASUKI that I learned how much I love her weird stories (and SUKIMASUKI is my all-time favorite manga – I’m not sure what that says about me?), and I look forward to the one-shots and shorter series whenever they come up.
Also, what the hell, Sekine. That guy… I hope you don’t make us wait too very much longer for the next installment. But then again, the upcoming September list is full enough of other series I’m dying to see the next bits for…
To be honest, there are waaaay more releases planned for September, including Sekine, but when it came time to announce upcoming releases, I turtled. My old friend, Uncertainty, gnawed at me again…so I played it safe and just wrote what I had “in hand.” I know, I know. I’m a turtle and a chicken, right? But it’s definite that we’ll have another Sekine and Toribako release very, very, very soon! An insider tip, because I’m cool like that: Another Toribako chapter will be released beginning of next week. Just got the typesets in the other day. I loved Kamaya almost as much as Heisaku by the end of this story, so my message to you is READ IT, READ IT, READ IT.
I’ve been waiting for releases for that manga for over a YEAR!
I can’t wait till the next release!
You guys rock.
Thanks so much for these new releases!
Re Souta: Ok, he’s obsessive, but isn’t Saeko taking advantage of that? (She seems clueless, but she must think of him as at least infatuated with her, thus he’s easily manipulated. And how!)
Seems like a gender role-reversal of sorts to me. XD
Thank you so much for your hard work!
Three chapters! THREE! >:-0 I love you all so much.
real men knit.
nuff said
Thank you for the releases!!!
thank you for the release!!!
omg, Sekin is just too funny^^
the way he thinks and how the woman react to him is just too funny
Thank you!!! I’ve just finished reading Sekine, and this manga really do intrigue me so much. It makes me think if a certain person like Sekine-kun exists in real life, cause if there’s somebody… oh my… O.O On the other hand, I really love Kisaragi. I can relate to her on some ways, like whenever I remind someone of frowning and having wrinkles cause of it><
Thank you again!! And I'm so happy that you have new people working with you here in Stiletto π
Congrats to the new team members! π
Thanks for translating more of Sekineβs Love! π
Thanks in advance for translating more of 3 am Dangerous Zone, Futago, and Himawari! π
Yeah, thanks so much guys!!
You are the best! π
I seriously think that you pick for us the best series out there!
Thank you for the holiday releases! Sekine’s Love killed me with the last chapter. I’m looking forward to reading it! π
Ah~ Thanks for the new chapter of Sekine. It’s just hilarious reading how every little thing make all the girls swoon despite the ordinary reasons for his actions. I can’t wait to read the next chapter. Keep up the great work on this series~~
Thanks so much for the new releases; I just started school and a new part time job so your hard work is much appreciated and the bonus is I have something good to read! Yeah for me! Thanks again… π
Thanks so much for your hard work on top of your job. You guys always have the best projects.
I know what you mean about Souta. He is so obsessed it’s unhealthy, but at the same time it’s kind of sweet.
I think it’s proof he is a true artist. Talented artists always seem to have such destructive romances. Haha. After all, artists have such strong emotions.
Thank you for the hard work! And congratulations on the online reader! π
Thanks so much for the releases! They are greatly appreciated π
Thank you for your work. As a reader I am grateful.
Please go easy on Shouta. XDD Love makes people do crazy things. (I havent read the chapter yet and it’s possible that I’ll feel the same way but let’s trust Mizushiro Setona)
Thanks again π