July 31, 2013 marked four years of scanlation for the team. ┗(`ー´)┓ ┏(`ー´)┛ Let’s hope we’ll be able to keep going for another four! In celebration of our anniversary, I’d like to present a fairy tale for you. One that brings wonder, excitement, havoc and mayhem, and of course, many releases too!
[strums lute]
Once upon a time in a faraway land called the Kingdom of Steamy Heels, there was a lonely queen named Stiletto, who had an insatiable love for Josei. In order to feed her desires, she locked up a group of editors, proofreaders and translators in an extremely high tower with doors made of fire, and placed creatures called Josei-a-fans to guard the doors. These Josei-a-fans were infamous for traveling together like a swarm of locusts. Faceless and shapeless, they took the form of a cloud of dust, and whenever a work of art was created, they would swarm up and snatch it away for Queen Stiletto’s vault, leaving only a trail of Critique bugs in their place.
The editors who were trapped in this tower were forced to dream up art, and the proofreaders and translators writing, but the amalgamation of individuality created havoc within the tower, and it become a warzone of mismatched pieces and disconnected thoughts. With nothing but Critique bugs to feed their hunger, the editors, proofreadres, and translators became increasingly depressed.
The longtime editors were beginning to feel their limitations: katamari began karaoking to Beyonce (“Bey”) videos in her head; amatsu’sendless smiles and Go-and-get-’em attitude was beginning to lose its fizz; Kelpie and pirato4ka, who both felt largely ignored, began slowly disappearing; Flapper Girl’s mind was occupied with ’30s starlets, Gatsby, and hair jewelry;Lilanar of Dustbowlia, unable to control her daydreaming, would crowd the room with her wild imaginations, which belly-danced their way to life, disrupting everyone’s concentration; and Mine-of-Lauva, remained huddled up in her corner of the tower, suffering from tea withdrawal, muttering the words, “J’ai besoin de thé. J’ai besoin de thé. J’ai besoin de thé.” (But alas! Nobody could understand her, for she was from the Kingdom of Lauva.) The other editors, shuyiin, stellar, Gypsie, Jenn, Ivy, Gazechic, Betakoi, and SwirlyOwl could only look on in despair.
The translators and proofreaders suffered no less: Mimi, bubblesinmysuitcase, otaku_mel, octopus, Mo, niflheim, Miwachan, badtzphoto, kiraxjinwood and cheesecrayon spent the better part of their days fending off the attacks of the evil, script-eating creatures called Mangiwi and Kiwango, who were able to penetrate the towers through their distortion of shadows.
After several years trapped in the tower, these prisoners lamented their fate, but resigned themselves to it and continued to dream up their art and scribble away at their writing, while the Josei-a-fans continued cloud-dust-snatching their work to store in the vault, and leaving behind Critique bugs in their feeding bowl.
But as the days and months and years wore on, the Josei-a-fan guards began to notice the editors, proofreaders and translators. A few of them even fell in love. These ones began to gather up secretly and band together to train to free the imprisoned occupants of the tower. When the day for another Giant Raid finally came, the changed Josei-a-fans separated themselves from their usual swarm of yellow dust of Critique-bug-planting Josei-afans and raced to block their newfound enemies’ ways.
“What are you doing? Get out of our way!” their former partners shouted.
“Over our dead bodies!” the changed Josei-a-fans replied.
In the fierce melee that ensued the changed Josei-a-fans overpowered their enemies and turned out as victors, thus able to free the imprisoned editors, proofreaders, and translators, and destroy Queen Stiletto’s vault, removing all of the stories from within, so that every citizen of Steamy Heels would be able to experience in these exquisite delights:
Delight# 01: 3 AM Dangerous Zone v2, ch.9
Delight# 02: Ane no Kekkon v1, ch.4
Delight# 03: Kiyoku Yawaku v2, Act 3a
Delight# 04: Nigeru Otoko ch.5 — FINAL CHAPTER!!!
Delight# 05: Nobody Cry Story, ch.1 *new*
Delight# 06: Principal v3, ch.9
Delight# 07: Principal v3, ch.10
Delight# 08: Principal v3, ch.11
Delight# 09: Sekine’s Love v3, ch.14
Delight# 10: Torch Song Ecology v1, ch.1 *new*

P.S. An innocent typo from our new typesetter, Gypsie, gave birth to this story. So Gypsie, thank you for sending in an application wanting to join “Stiletto Steam.” And though you are probably clutching at your head going, “No, why’d you tell?!(;*´Д`)ノ”, we’d just like to say that we really did appreciate it. ^(#`∀´)_Ψ
P.P.S. There were many more chapters planned, which did not fall through because of my deteriorating health. (I was down with a fever yesterday and could not finish checking over everything.) I’d just like to say that I appreciate all you loyal readers. We are working hard on more chapters from seemingly dead projects such as Futago, Heartbroken Chocolatier, Tokyo Alice, and Toribako House, along with new projects as well. We hope you will be patient and will continue popping up to check on us from time to time.
Ummm can I say ‘thank you’ twice for the same post?
Like… like you ttly ROCK!
Ummm can I say ‘thank you’ twice for the same post?
Like… like you ttly ROCK!
Thank you lots!
You made my day!
Cannot wait for Sekine’s Love update!
Good luck!
Thank you lots!
You made my day!
Cannot wait for Sekine’s Love update!
Good luck!
Wow, that was a really detailed, creative and thought-out post! Have I been gone that long that your 4th anniversary has already come and gone!? Anyways, happy belated anniversary! Here’s to another great year filled with more josei, Hatsumimi’s ALWAYS entertaining posts and discussions of BBC and Indian shows/movies! Cheers!
Wow, that was a really detailed, creative and thought-out post! Have I been gone that long that your 4th anniversary has already come and gone!? Anyways, happy belated anniversary! Here’s to another great year filled with more josei, Hatsumimi’s ALWAYS entertaining posts and discussions of BBC and Indian shows/movies! Cheers!
Congrats! I’m still glad this group is alive, even though my only contribution was the extremely slow typesetting and editing of Tokyo Alice. It’s truly sad that most of the series will never be licensed into English because they’re josei… Even though I will keep that series close to my heart, I’m basically dead after my new jobs this summer~ Good luck on releases!
Congrats! I’m still glad this group is alive, even though my only contribution was the extremely slow typesetting and editing of Tokyo Alice. It’s truly sad that most of the series will never be licensed into English because they’re josei… Even though I will keep that series close to my heart, I’m basically dead after my new jobs this summer~ Good luck on releases!
Congratulations!! That’s four years of spreading the josei love, something for which I will be forever grateful. Thanks for all the quality releases and being such a fun group – I love the snapshots of daily life, it’s funny how we can have such similar experiences despite being scattered all over the globe. Here’s to many more years of Stiletto Steam!
Congratulations!! That’s four years of spreading the josei love, something for which I will be forever grateful. Thanks for all the quality releases and being such a fun group – I love the snapshots of daily life, it’s funny how we can have such similar experiences despite being scattered all over the globe. Here’s to many more years of Stiletto Steam!
Whoooooooooooo (in the voices of mordecai and rigby) im really considering getiing in on the behind the scenes action, though i know nothing, haha. man, im so glad you guys came into my life. Who are the josei a fans btw?^O^
Though I couldn’t contribute to the anni releases this time /pout/ , I hope I’ll be able to join in for the next round of releases. Btw omg, omg, omg. Principal chapters were soooooo good. I’m pretty hooked on this series by now. I still haven’t taken a shining to Haruka yet, but I love, love, love Shima!!! I feel bad that things aren’t working with her and Wao though… But, oh well.
Happy Four Year Anni, guys!
Wow Congrats on your 4th year anniversary stiletto team!!!
All of you are amazing and I’m really grateful for the existence of you guys <3
Keep up the good work and take care of yourselves. We love your releases but your health are much important 🙂
And oh, thanks for the good stuffs. Whaa Sekine~~ Off to read the rest of your releases…
I have been anxiously waiting for a Sekine’s Love update since the day after Ch13 was released. Imagine my surprise when lined up along with it in (mangaupdates.com) are 3 chapters of Principal and 1 chapter of Ane no Kekkon all ready for the taking! Of course I devoured them all promptly hehe! Have to say thank you for all these releases! and Yes Happy Anniversary! Hope you have more years of Josei goodness coming up! 🙂
I have been anxiously waiting for a Sekine’s Love update since the day after Ch13 was released. Imagine my surprise when lined up along with it in (mangaupdates.com) are 3 chapters of Principal and 1 chapter of Ane no Kekkon all ready for the taking! Of course I devoured them all promptly hehe! Have to say thank you for all these releases! and Yes Happy Anniversary! Hope you have more years of Josei goodness coming up! 🙂
Happy anniversary and thank you very much for the releases
Happy anniversary and thank you very much for the releases
Thanks, especially for more Principal!
Thanks, especially for more Principal!
Thank you so much for the releases and also for the hard work everyone has put into celebrating the 4th anniversary!!!
Thank you so much for the releases and also for the hard work everyone has put into celebrating the 4th anniversary!!!
What a cute little story that is! Thank you for such an inviting post and for these wonderful releases!!! *kisses & hugs*
What a cute little story that is! Thank you for such an inviting post and for these wonderful releases!!! *kisses & hugs*
Thank you for the releases! And, omg, four years? That’s some time! Tanjoubi omedetou~ *bows* Let’s hope more four years and more four years and more four years come 😀
Thank you for the releases! And, omg, four years? That’s some time! Tanjoubi omedetou~ *bows* Let’s hope more four years and more four years and more four years come 😀
Wooooow! That’s incredible! This release is amazing! Thanks for your work! (and for your Ikuemi’s new project!) soooo good!
Wooooow! That’s incredible! This release is amazing! Thanks for your work! (and for your Ikuemi’s new project!) soooo good!
uh,uh,uh, Happy Anniversaryyyyy my favourite crazy group!!!! *clapping,and hitting head and other various limbs* You even managed to quench my Ikuemi-Ryo-thirst (for a while :9).
Huzzah and I wish Stiletto Steam lotsa cute, hairy animals for petting and other scientific reasons.
uh,uh,uh, Happy Anniversaryyyyy my favourite crazy group!!!! *clapping,and hitting head and other various limbs* You even managed to quench my Ikuemi-Ryo-thirst (for a while :9).
Huzzah and I wish Stiletto Steam lotsa cute, hairy animals for petting and other scientific reasons.
Happy Anniversary!!!! Stiletto Heels is by far my favourite scanlation group!!! I love you guys!!! Thanks so much for all the hard work!!! (especially for this bumper crop of releases haha)
Happy Anniversary!!!! Stiletto Heels is by far my favourite scanlation group!!! I love you guys!!! Thanks so much for all the hard work!!! (especially for this bumper crop of releases haha)
Congratulations on your 4th Anniversary!
Thank you so much for the hard work you’ve put into releasing these wonderful new chapters, especially 3 AM Dangerous Love & Sekine’s Love. Much appreciated guys!
Congratulations on your 4th Anniversary!
Thank you so much for the hard work you’ve put into releasing these wonderful new chapters, especially 3 AM Dangerous Love & Sekine’s Love. Much appreciated guys!
Thank you so much guys! And Happy birthday Stiletto “steam”!!! Ahahahah! Wow , I’m a terrible Josei-a-fans , ghghghgh!
Hats do not worry, all these chapters already be enough to hold off for a while all the ravenous fans (and also me, the worst of them!), so rest and think recover soon.
Thank you to all the staff, you are incredible! My best pushers of my favorite drug: goooood manga!
Thank you so much guys! And Happy birthday Stiletto “steam”!!! Ahahahah! Wow , I’m a terrible Josei-a-fans , ghghghgh!
Hats do not worry, all these chapters already be enough to hold off for a while all the ravenous fans (and also me, the worst of them!), so rest and think recover soon.
Thank you to all the staff, you are incredible! My best pushers of my favorite drug: goooood manga!
Thanks so much for the influx of new chapters 😀 ! made my day!!
Thanks so much for the influx of new chapters 😀 ! made my day!!
I, too, referred to you guys as “Stiletto Heel Steam” in my head as I’d type out your web addy. Embarrassingly enough, it wasn’t until not too long ago (*coughcoughamonthagomaybecoughcough*) that it finally occurred to me that such was not the case. Herpaderp! Anyway, all youz guyz are awesome (I’m feigning a heavy Chicago accent as I say this) and I’m really grateful for the hard work that’s put into all these projects. I’m glad I’ve found a josei haven here because without you I’d be drowning in shoujo, which as delightful as it is, can sometimes spiral into the saccharine. It was Mani-Mani that first brought me here and I’ve been coming back ever since. Thank you so much, Stiletto Heels Team! And thanks Mimi for thy (yep I said thy) engaging posts as usual. To another 4 years heel clickin’ goodness!
I am going to beat you over the head with a cardboard cutout of [enter least favorite movie star here] if you haven’t managed to bookmark us by now! How long have I known you? You have taught me Cantonese curses, gave my AA the rank of “Fridge Tyrant”, ran away (and reasonably so) when I posted about my arduous and brief affair with my younger brother’s best friend, and talked BBC drama with me. But you haven’t bookmarked us?! Unacceptable! *whips out the cardboard*
Thy will be done. Please don’t beat me, Mistress ;_;
But seriously, phew! It has been a long time hasn’t it? It seems like not too long ago I was tap-tapping you on the shoulder while I stood pigeon-toed as I nervously pushed up my nerd glasses and stuttered in a meek, nasally tone, “Ehrm, it’s au lait and not ole…” And thus a Great Correspondance was born, haha….
I, too, referred to you guys as “Stiletto Heel Steam” in my head as I’d type out your web addy. Embarrassingly enough, it wasn’t until not too long ago (*coughcoughamonthagomaybecoughcough*) that it finally occurred to me that such was not the case. Herpaderp! Anyway, all youz guyz are awesome (I’m feigning a heavy Chicago accent as I say this) and I’m really grateful for the hard work that’s put into all these projects. I’m glad I’ve found a josei haven here because without you I’d be drowning in shoujo, which as delightful as it is, can sometimes spiral into the saccharine. It was Mani-Mani that first brought me here and I’ve been coming back ever since. Thank you so much, Stiletto Heels Team! And thanks Mimi for thy (yep I said thy) engaging posts as usual. To another 4 years heel clickin’ goodness!
I am going to beat you over the head with a cardboard cutout of [enter least favorite movie star here] if you haven’t managed to bookmark us by now! How long have I known you? You have taught me Cantonese curses, gave my AA the rank of “Fridge Tyrant”, ran away (and reasonably so) when I posted about my arduous and brief affair with my younger brother’s best friend, and talked BBC drama with me. But you haven’t bookmarked us?! Unacceptable! *whips out the cardboard*
Thy will be done. Please don’t beat me, Mistress ;_;
But seriously, phew! It has been a long time hasn’t it? It seems like not too long ago I was tap-tapping you on the shoulder while I stood pigeon-toed as I nervously pushed up my nerd glasses and stuttered in a meek, nasally tone, “Ehrm, it’s au lait and not ole…” And thus a Great Correspondance was born, haha….
Happy anniversary! Thank you for these wonderful releases. ♥
Happy anniversary! Thank you for these wonderful releases. ♥
Happy Anniversary and many thanks for the amazing releases! Here’s to many more years of wonderful scanlating from your group ^^
A very happy Anni to all team! Thanks a lot for all your hard work this past four years! I hope you’re felling better now and I loved your story!
Happy B-day! You guys rock! Everytime I check for your releases and found new chapters my day ligths up cause I get my dosis of awesome josei. I love you Stiletto Heels Team <3<3
That was an amazing story~ Very creative. 🙂
Thank you so much for all the hard work these past four years, Stiletto Heels is my favorite scanlation group ever (no joke), so I hope to keep stalking you for several years to come. Thank you for literally bringing out the bests series ever as well~
Happy 4th Anniversary!
OMG that was a story! 😀 Happy Anniversary and for many more! Thanks a lot to all the staff for today’s releases and for all the releases you’ve made. Cheers!
Ah just two more comments, first thanks a lot and congrats for finishing Nigeru Otoko 😀 Secondly, I noticed, at least from the releases I wanted to get, that the urls have some extra words e.g. “www.stilettoheelsteam.com/” same with “http”. But when I removed all those extra words, I could get them without problem. Thanks again!
Whoops! I’ll get those fixed in no time. Thanks for letting me know. 😉