Mimi: OH-OH AYE OH \( ̄O ̄) Stiletto: \( ̄O ̄) OH-OH AYE OH Readers: OH-OH AYE OH? Mimi: OH-OH AYE OH ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ) Readers: (∑(O_O;)=3=3=3 HEELS’ FOUNDERS’ TRUE IDENTITIES: AAA-OBSESSED CREEPY OYAJIS? Speaking of…
Bungled Fantasies
Monday afternoon, a couple of days after the New Department Head fired our cleaning people, we smell dead rats in the girls’ bathroom. I heard that the Accounts Receivables girl…
“Will He or Won’t He?” Better yet: “Will She or Won’t She?”
You know that gnawing sensation in your guts? The uncomfortable feeling you get when the pit of your stomach feels hollow? And, no, I’m not talking about Irritable Bowel Syndrome….
“Day before yesterday I saw a rabbit, and yesterday a deer, and today, you.”
It was a lukewarm, sluggish Tuesday afternoon. The kind where chins rest heavy on elbows, and eyes gaze dreamily out the expanding window toward puffy, white clouds that resemble rabbits…
Chaetophobic Mimi Versus H-H-Hair!!! & Release
I turned twenty-eight over a week ago, but there was no sounding of the trumpets, no fanfare, no confetti, no candles, no cake. A simple text message from my supervisor…
In Celebration of Our 4-Year Anniversary: The Legend of “Steamy Heels”
July 31, 2013 marked four years of scanlation for the team. ┗(`ー´)┓ ┏(`ー´)┛ Let’s hope we’ll be able to keep going for another four! In celebration of our anniversary, I’d…