I’m a sucker for Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I’ve watched it dozens of times, and it’s whirring away in my DVD player right this very moment. The scene where Holly recovers “Cat”, tucks him under her trench coat, and then stumbles into Paul’s embrace always manages to choke me up. Yes, that’s what I’ve been doing all this time. Watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s on an endless loop cycle for about a week now, tissue box within reach, sputtering, “Oh my god, Holly, Cat is right there!”
Depression freaking sucks.
I really should get out more…
3 AM Dangerous Zone v2, ch.10: SPOILERS!!!!!!! Momoko dumped Tagaya?! She actually dumped the cuddly-as-a-bear, oyakodon-loving, and very, very married Tagaya? OK, so the girl has every reason to go through with the breakup; I would, too. Poor thing. Not only did her boyfriend cheat on her, but her next beau happens to be a man who can’t seem to remember where he placed his wedding band! Still, I love Tagaya, so I can’t deny the part of me that wishes for our hero and heroine to embrace wildly on the rooftop, screaming, “F- it, let’s make teddy-bear-like-oyakodon-loving babies together!”
Speaking of breakups, Momoko laying around in bed drowning in sorrow reminded me of how painful these things can be. Ah, those were the days. The last time I felt that way was in high school, once upon a time. I wonder what happened to all that fresh innocence so incidental to youth? Now when it happens, I can easily get over the guy with a sake bomb and some cheap AYCE korean bbq.
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Teketeke Rendezvous v1, ch.7: Lily takes Tayoko on a (truncated) sightseeing tour of the island, while the rest of the inhabitants of Mekake gather together for a… wild drunken party? Yeah, this chapter definitely got hit with the signature Teketeke Whacked Out Syndrome inherent to all prior Teketeke chapters. Well, at least one thing is certain: Kota never fails to transform into a sexy beast when totally wasted.
You updated! Hurray!! Depression does indeed suck, but I am truly happy that you and this group are still around ^o^
Maybe you’re already acquainted with this, since you’re in the higher echelons of animanga consumption… will this cheer you up though? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-smp6uZWIE
I am going by previous indications of your taste by the way. Personally I just discovered Yasyuki Okamura today and this MV manages to turn me into a glazed-eyed smiling mess despite my general despondency towards life.
Haha, when I clicked on the link, I didn’t know what to expect. Thanks so much. I have heard it, actually, because Space Dandy is the only anime series I’m following this winter season. (I don’t watch much of the new stuff these days, but I can’t bypass Shinichiro Watanabe.)
Though I was born mid-80’s, this brought back memories to my dad, still living through memories of the 70’s, with his flared bell bottoms, slick side burns, and guitar. Pretty much every one of his buddies walked around town at night looking like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever in the “You Should Be Dancing” scene. Pffthahaha.
Thanks, that really did the trick. Pffthahaha.
I put Breakfast at Tiffany’s in my queue but I’ve been rewatching A Room With A View over and over again as of late (and I’m not writing a paper on it haha). The dinner scene when George Emerson is first introduced (and pretty much any/every scene with him in it) never fails to give me the fizzy shivers. Switch it up, Mimi! Hang in there! I hope you’re doing okay!
Thanks for the 3AM release. I went ahead and read the spoilers and it’s still not going to stop me from devouring the chapter.
A Room With A View?! I just watched that a few months ago. (Though not by legal means, really.) (Read: Youtube). It always struck me as queer how adorable Helena Bonham Carter used to be. Was she always that adorable? When that image of her in Room With A View is juxtaposed against, let’s say, whatever film she’s in with Johnny Depp, I feel like screaming from terror. As for Julian Sanders/George Emerson, I can empathize with all those drooling women. Though it’s not his looks, but that deep, manly voice that does it for me.
I was totally distracted during the dinner scene though. I think it was because I had never seen Judi Dench so young… lol.
Ah, youtube. That’s how I saw Sakuran. (Siiiiiiiigh.)
Julian Sands/George Emerson looks like someone I know so it makes me a bit more emotionally invested in the film (not necessarily a good thing). But even so, the film still captivates me and yep, Judi Dench’s character is a hoot. I wish I could be one of those people who could freely say “Put away that Baedeker!”. Maybe I’ll get a little more sass in me if I start writing trashy novels under a pen name?
Oh, man, Sakuran. I seriously wanted punch Sojiro in the eye + I freaked out during that short scene with a very bare, ultra-gyrating Miho Kanno. It’s hard for me to shake off the initial image I had of her as the deaf woman in Your Hands Are Whispering. I don’t know… I always got this Julie Andrews’ vibe from her. Even in Koi ga Shitai! Koi ga Shitai! Koi ga Shitai! the steamy scenes were designated to Watabe Atsuro and Mizuno Miki. Her and Watabe’s character got what? A hug? One freaking hug?! No wait, I think the scene ended before she could even hug him. She was like, running toward him, and then they cut the scene and cued in the ending theme! Argh! …But anyway, that’s beside the point. Anna Tsuchiya was great in Sakuran, though I felt like she was playing an extension of herself. Have you seen her and Fukada Kyoko in Kamikaze Girls?
Anyway, pen names could be fun, XDD. What do you think about, say, Loveswept Meadows? lolololol. Oh, but you want sass, right…? Then maybe Peppery Paprika? lolololol.
I thought Anna Tsuchiya was great in Sakuran too! I couldn’t imagine anyone else to play Kiyoha, but then again, I’m not that knowledgeable when it comes to Japanese actresses. I did see Kamikaze Girls, which I enjoyed. Afterwards, I wanted a long coat just like hers, haha.
As for pen names, maybe I should combine your suggestion and be Paprika Meadows! The idea of writing a trashy novel sounds awesome, but daunting. Awesomely daunting? I tend to scorn really shallow literature and media, but apparently that’s where all the money is going nowadays so maybe I should get with the times and jump on the bandwagon? Nah, I probably couldn’t do it anyway. Don’t they say “write what you know”? And I don’t know how to be like that in the first place. If I did happen to write anything it would probably be awkward and naive, just like me.
“I really should get out more…”
Haha. I tell myself the same thing at least once a week. 😀 But I keep spending most of my free time reading and watching TV shows. And in my case, it has nothing to do with depression, it’s just my normal state. 😉
Oh, don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing abnormal about reading and watching films. Just not the same one over and over and over again for a whole week… unless maybe you’re gonna be writing an essay on it…
I guess you’re right… But in any case, it’s only the symptom of the depression, not the cause, so you shouldn’t feel guilty about it. (I know this probably doesn’t help, sorry).
Thank you so much for the updates!! There is not a lot of chapters left for 3AM, I can’t wait to see the last few ch!! :’)
You’re absolutely right. It’s been such a joyride I forgot there’s only five chapters left! The good news is the story has an even better four volume sequel with Momo as a principle character, but the bad news is Dangerous Zone’s actually going to end! It’s such a weird feeling.
Yay! I’m very happy that Momo is still important in the sequel!! 🙂 Can’t wait can’t wait!! 😀
sob I came here to say thanks for 3AM but now I know not to read the posts because there are spoilers for the chapter TTATT;;
In any case, thanks.
Whoops I guess I dropped the ball on this one. (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू) I was sure there weren’t any major spoilers but I’ll be more cautious next time?
No worries; it was kind of a gut reaction since I wasn’t expecting it. OTL It wasn’t something that came out of left field, in any case; rather, it seemed like it would happen at some point, but at which point was up in the air. In general, I’m hypersensitive about spoilers so even if it’s about something dumb like someone buying a hat I’ll flip a table that has a cake on it and then cry.
Anyhow, I hope I didn’t come off as a jerk;;; I was so fixated on the summary that I didn’t notice you mentioned you were depressed… all you need is some jerk comments from jerks when you’re depressed!! OTL As someone who has been there… a lot… well, I know there’s not much that can be done/said and it usually just kind of runs its course… but, uh… you could start a fight club? Yeah! Start a fight club!!
Haha, my own fight club would look really lame, only because I’m this 5′ 3″ 28-year-old-who-lookalika-15-year-old. Plus I’d being crying like a total wuss if someone broke my dorky glasses, which I just paid good money for. If I was in a fight club, my dorky glasses would definitely be the first to go. Either way, I just broke a fight club rule by talking about. Damn, look what you made me do!
About (what I will now dub) The 3 AM Incident, I had just rushed the entire last volume that night and got the sequence of events a little mixed up, so I kind of did end up spoiling it a bit. There’s nothing wrong with telling me, “Damnit, woman! Why you gotta do dat fo?” And double thanks for noticing that I was depressed. I know I’m always sniveling about how miserable I am, but this time, it’s so bad I can’t even write about it in my posts like I normally would for other events… In any case, I don’t know if it’s good for me to be pouring myself into scanlations when I’m still feeling hurt by stuff going on in my RL, but I think it’s OK for the readers to benefit a little off of my depression in this case, lol.
I’m a lot more worried about my staff, though. Everyone seems to be suffering, especially with all the family losses or hectic school schedules going around. I hope everyone will just come out OK.
hey let’s reply a month later lol ( *՞ਊ՞*) Sorry, if I don’t do something daily I forget about it the next day. 50 FIRST DATES!!!1
Personally I think that sort of fight club would be even more entertaining to watch. But you could always just limit it to slap fights and wear protective headgear?! No, protective headgear mandated!! Yeah sorry I wanted to own that fight club all along so this was all a set-up ʘ‿ʘ Except I just talked about it! FXXX!!
All right, next time you slip up I’ll give you a round house kick straight to the mouth!!
Not at all! I think it’s better to EXPRESS UR FEELINZ than not, even if you do it all the time… WELL, SO WHAT? YOU DON’T ONLY LIMIT YOURSELF TO PEEING ONE TIME A WEEK, RIGHT?!? IT’S A NORMAL BODILY FUNCTION!!! //yelling at no one
Sometimes it’s better to keep yourself busy with stuff when you’re depressed, but if it makes it worse or isn’t helping matters it’s best to say “FUCK Y’ALL, FUCK Y’ALL MANGA, FUCK Y’ALL READERS” for a while.
;A; I’m only a semi-recent visitor/fan/reader/hambone of the site and zoom in on 3AM releases and then screech away into the night so I wasn’t aware of this but I’m sorry that things are/were (since it’s been a month OTL) going so terribly!! Things will definitely work out! Even if they don’t, they do. Humans are creepily adaptable to even the worst situations. And I’m saying this as someone who’s has a real fXXXed lot in life, not one of those jerks who hasn’t experienced anything beyond getting a parking ticket or the flu once but TTALLY KNOW ALL UR PROBLEMS AND HOW U GOTTA SOLVE DEM OK ヾ(❛ε❛“)ʃ
All I can suggest is to try to keep a positive attitude (which is difficult because humans are hard wired to be negative) because worrying and stewing about shit rarely helps and only makes you feel worse since you focus on terrible things. Even if something shitty were to happen, whether you worried about it happening or not really won’t make a difference when the situation arises: it’s still gonna be lame. That’s not to say you shouldn’t ever think about anything in advance or decide that driving off a cliff would be the fastest route to get home but rather the point isn’t to dwell on it and accept that “it is what it is” =w=;;
Ahem I’m not trying to lecture you, and I’m certainly not saying it’s easy (seriously, it is a pain in the ass and something that even people who write books about the subject have to work at every single day because, again, most humans default to “negative” and it’s an active skill not a passive one and it never levels up wtf get out) just some general worldly advice I’ve picked up over the years //taps pipe, adjusts belt
(It’s also not something intended to belitte anyone’s problems — it’s general advice not “UR FAMILY WAS DOUBLE RAPE MURDRD? LOL JUST THINK POSITIVE!!”)