Hello, I’m Hats aka Mimi, Stiletto Heels’ Admin slash Head Translator. In reality, I’m just an oddball who went to sleep with headphones and a pair of dusty New Balance…
Summer is a coming~ Hu hu hu ♪|´∀`)ノ
I spent summers as a child, sitting cross-legged on our cramped balcony in Apartment B, chewing on watermelon and spitting the seeds over the railing onto unsuspecting neighbors. My older…
やばい。。。 (Crap.) 眠くて瞼が。。。 (My eyelids…are…) 重かった。。。 (…heavy with sleep…)
Yep, me and my Heels Crew, we back in the game! (‘∀`)ゝ” For the past several months, we’ve been on a wicked dry spell. I mean, REALLY wicked. Yeah, we…
告白 / Confessions
Just the other day I was reading an old online article about love confessions. I’m not going to paraphrase it here but you can read the full thing for yourself…
A Person in Need
Hello there, I’m SwirlyOwl: one of SH’s cleaners. It will be short and sweet since all of you guys want to read those chapters right away, right? *winks* I was…