Just two weeks after my break-up, my younger brother’s best friend shamelessly asked me out to see Skyfall. (I say “shamelessly” but I know by the parched throat and lurching…
Nagging Aunts, Mustachio-ed Distant Cousins, Bu Bu Jing Xin & Release
Yes, I’m alone on Valentines, re-watching episodes of Bu Bu Jing Xin on my laptop and sobbing uncontrollably as Rouxi (the demure Liu Shi shi) hugs 4th Prince/Emperor Yongzhen (the…
Black-mailing Fridge Tyrants & Release
If you’re wondering what has become of the 21-year-old male Taiwanese administrative assistant sent down by our HR department, well he’s a tricky one. First few days in he raided…
Here we come rock you like a hurricane! (Part One)
Yo, yo! What’s up, Heels’ readers? We hope July has found you well (if not fried/dehydrated/drenched in stinky sweat, that is). We know you’re here because you’ve been waiting patiently…
Futago fans, please do not freak out.
Chapter 15 did not and will not make tonight’s cut because I belatedly realized that the script has not even been PR’ed yet! 🙁 Our next release date is 5/14/2012….