Apparently RL can be just as unforgiving as Cats. The nightmares that I had assumed would never happen came rearing its ugly head. It seemed like life had a dealt me a card titled: “IN ‘YO FACE!”
“IN ‘YO FACE!” Event No.1
In order to avoid a tl; dr post, let me just say that our so-called attorney for my hit-and-run accident back in May 2011, screwed us over. We never signed any paperwork, except for a rental car agreement. Everytime we asked about the car, she told us it was “evidence for the trial” and that it “was in a safe place.” After the towing company hit us with a Notice of Lien Sale, she told us to fax over the information, and she would take care of it.
Oh sure, she took care of it all right! Now I have, flapping limply in my hand, a letter stating that I owe $1462.52 in towing and storage fees for a car that, once May 26 hits, will no longer belong to me.
“IN ‘YO FACE!” Event No. 2
My dad had a bad fall at work the other day, where he cut and bruised his knee, cracked his front teeth, and formed a bulbous, horn-like lump on his forehead that had to be rubbed down with a poached egg. I was unaware of all this when I called him up and threw a tantrum over the phone about the collection notice, and only found out when I received a stern call from my mom saying, “Ha’chan, I know that you have your fair share of problems, but how can you trouble your father when he’s recovering from a fall?”
The news totally gutted and fileted me. I felt like a complete jerk.
“IN ‘YO FACE!” Event No. 3
I went “scissor”-happy last night and attacked my over-grown bangs. It was crappy-looking at night, but I figured it would look better once I woke up the next morning, like it usually does.
…Apparently, that wasn’t the case here.
“IN ‘YO FACE!” Event No. 4
There are only 4 releases today, instead of 9 promised to our staff. (Sorry guys, I just couldn’t stay awake to finish them.)
& (and) Volume 1, Ch.3 – A very, very, very short chapter that doesn’t even showcase Shinkeikaku’s beloved Yagai-sensei. (Oh, wait, was that his hand I saw?) Sincerely Yours, A Shiro-chan Fan.
Download/ Read Online
Kiyoku Yawaku (Joint w/ PI) Volume 1, Ch.4 – I love the sassy dialogue in this chapter, especially with Asami.
DDL Ch.4/ Read Online
Principal Volume 1, Ch.3 – The amount of SFX in this chapter alone is equivalent to the amount of paint-ball pellets needed to take down a grown, male bear.
Download/ Read Online
Sakamichi no Apollon Volume 1, Extra – Absolutely NOT canon. (We know.)
Download/ Read Online
However, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. In this case, two. Our new typesetter, amatsu, helped us pull through for Kiyoku Yawaku, and will continue typesetting for Principal, so that Principal’s original TS’er Lypiphera can help us finish ts’ing Volume 3 of Bitou Lollipop.
What’s getting pushed back this week, will show up next week, and it will be a really nice batch to close the month. The following are in typesetting or QC process:
Balancing Toy Volume 1, Ch.1
Futago Volume 1, Ch.15-16 /end volume
Heartbroken Chocolatier Volume 1, Ch.1-3 /end volume
Junai Rosen Ch.1
Nina My Love Volume 1, Ch.7 & Omake /end volume
Tokyo Alice Volume 2, Ch.7~8
And if staff has the extra time, we’ll throw in Sakamichi no Apollon Ch.6 , Toribako House Ch.3 and What Revolves Around Al and Neri Ch.2. If not, these will show up in our earliest May 2012 batch.
And in case anybody thinks we don’t read their comments, we want to assure you, Mako, that we are now fully aware that it is Art Blakey (not Blake-LY) & The Messengers’, Moanin’ (not Moaning). Talk about embarrassment. I had a chance to listen to the live performance on youtube with my punk-star-wannabe-22-year-old brother (aka Canon in D), who has now been converted to jazz.
Aw, lady, I’m so sorry for all the crap that’s been happening lately. Hope your dad’s head is better and that his teeth are okay/fixable… (or at least he can eat without discomfort).
Wow, talk about life throwing ya one huh? Hope your father gets better and your bangs aren’t too difficult. I went through a couple of scissor happy moments myself. Nothing too extreme though, heh.
Thanks for the releases as always! The Sakamichi extra was definitely an interesting read, lol.
Thank you for the releases! They are fabulous as always ♥ (And more Futago and Tokyo Alice soon!? YES PLEASE *o*)
By the way, Sakamichi no Apollon’s extra doesn’t seem to be working on the reader. It just goes to Scene 5 whether you try to access it from the menu or from the chapter before. Just thought I’d let you know. The download works fine though :3
It doesn’t allow us number chapters, except by, well, number. You’ll have to do a little navigating through Scene 5 to get to the extra until we can figure out what to do about that. 🙁
If there’s anything worse than dealing with lawyers is dealing with crappy, incompetent ones. And the worst is that it can be hard to tell! I hope it works out.. I’ve found that anything involving lawyers takes a while, so hang in there and focus on what you can change.
That said, there is a severe lack of Yagai-sensei in that chapter. I guess Shiro needs his own cheerleader. I got Yagai-sensei covered :3
thanks hatsu and the whole team for the awesome work <3
I was so excited for Sakamichi and &, I think I'll try reading Kiyoku Yawaku
I don't usually read this kind of shoujo(s) but I'd like to try it =)
Thanks for the good work:) I love your projects so muc^^
omg, I can’t believe all that happened. RL > comics, always. Don’t ever feel bad about not getting stuff like this completely done when you have life to deal with. Getting any out after such a harsh blow is great!
I’m going to cry because you guys are so sweet. 🙁
*Goes to collect self*
Ouch, life can be hard! Though I admire you end up positive in the end ^^
I did have shit happen to me, though I cannot remember everything being all in one like you got (some weird hellish destiny promotion ya got there?)
Thanks for the releases!
I am still recovering from my In ‘Yo Face 3. I have to walk around with my bangs pinned back and because my hair just has to be as curly as it is, you can totally see the ends curve and ruin the illusion that they don’t exist. I hope your dad gets better and that that lawyer – oh, just curse the damn lawyer to hell. My best wishes to everything working out for you!
Thank you for the new releases! 🙂
Seriously I had given up on anyone picking up again Kiyoku Yawaku, and now here is chaper 4!! You guys are AWSOME!!! Really happy to read chap 3 (even tough the too griddy me read the RAWS and is greatly dissapointed by the end…if we can call it an end?) But I still want to read it , because I didn’t get anything…
If you release Everything that you said you were going to release in April, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOOOOoooooooooOOOOooooo (RIP Whitney)
Anyways, This post was hella FUNNY , The IN ‘YO Face n°3 happenned to me 3 days ago, so I am with you!!! Good luck! and thank you
Woohoo!!! I’m sooooo excited for Kiyoku Yawaku, thank you sooo much! I’m sitting on the edge of my seat anticipating Futago too (thanks to you guys, I’m a die-hard Iketani Rikako fangirl).
Also, I’ve had a similar situation happen to us for in yo face event number one. My mother was in a car accident last year where her car was basically totaled from a truck running head-on to the passenger of her car (thankfully she was alright). The car got towed and I informed insurance and had them handle the problem. A couple months later, the storage/towing service that had towed our car slaps us with a thousand dollar bill. I was flabbergasted since I had assumed that insurance had handled that problem. Apparently not. It’s a hard lesson learned too. If you’re selling/signing over your car to the dealership, does that also offset some of the cost for the storage of your car?
Also, sorry to hear about your father’s fall, I’m glad he’s alright. I hope things work out with your car situation.