Apparently RL can be just as unforgiving as Cats. The nightmares that I had assumed would never happen came rearing its ugly head. It seemed like life had a dealt…
And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?
So being the stingy person that I am, I decided to bully the new, 21-year-old male, Taiwanese Administrative Assistant. He, being the culprit behind my missing pho and pudding three…
Once in a while, I want to gush over manga, too.
Today’s releases will bring to a close the first volumes of 3 AM Dangerous Zone and Natsuyuki Rendezvous and Volume 2 of Bitou Lollipop. *Insert angelic “Ahhh” here* This means…
Letter from a Nameless Girl in a Barcelona cafe
I want to be that nameless girl sitting in a cafe in Barcelona sipping sweet biberón in a trenchcoat with the collars turned down and heels that are sharpened to…
Slower than your tortoise.
I’d just like to clarify a few things because it bears repeating. We will still be releasing new projects whether the readers like it or not. A series gets started…
Extreme Kodak Moment
This is why I love Futago. ‘Nuff said. Futago Volume 3, Ch.14 – EPPPPPPPIC. Principal Volume 1, Ch.1 – Hello? It’s from the Genius-Maestro-Genius Ikuemi Ryo. She’s been writing shoujo…