So being the stingy person that I am, I decided to bully the new, 21-year-old male, Taiwanese Administrative Assistant. He, being the culprit behind my missing pho and pudding three Fridays ago, seemed oblivious to it all, which was the perfect set-up for revenge. I chose the best time and place for cornering a sly, conniving, pho-and-pudding-thrower-outter: Our monthly smaller branch office visit at the moment he and another employee were headed toward the men’s bathroom (with only one stall) at the same time.
Mimi waves AA over to her desk.
AA points finger at self and squiggles brows into a quizzical shape that is meant to be read as: Me?
Mimi beckons him over, mouthing: Come, come.
AA trots over, while other employee traipses into the bathroom and shuts the door behind him.
AA has a look of mild horror and disbelief on his face.
Exit Mimi, mentally snickering.
But just when I think that I had got even with the guy, I find a turkey and cheese croissant and 3 Refugiado guava & cheese pastries from Porto’s nestled comfortably on a plate on my desk after a god-awfully-boring meeting with some bigwigs.
Female Co-worker/(Tea) Drinking Buddy (handing Mimi a file on retrofit lamps): Oh, yeah, [Male Taiwanese AA] drove down to Glendale and lined up to get those for us while you were in a meeting.
Mimi: [Male Taiwanese AA]?
Female Co-worker/Drinking Buddy: Yeah, the new guy who’s filling in as AA during Angie’s pregnant leave.
Exit Mimi, stuffing guava & cheese pastries into face and barely able to contain her guilt.
The Releases:
Principal Volume 1, Ch.2 – Shima is cajoled into acting as a Good Samaritan, and the results are disastrous.
Sakamichi no Apollon Volume 1, Ch.4 ~ 5 – Kaoru struggles with puberty. (Only kidding.)
Sekine’s Love Volume 2, Ch.7 – Sara is soooo cute! ><!!
What Revolves Around Al and Neri (Basso) Story 1 – O.M.G.
The Bad News: No Chocolatier/Kiyoku Yawaku/Toribako House until next week; No Mani Mani until I finish up some translations for Nightswan at Hotcakes (who probably wants to use me as a punching bag by now.) (Haha, just kidding.)
The Good News: When “zanac” buzzed us in our chatbox with news that Natsuyuki Rendezvous was going to be animated in July and Hazuki’s VA is Yuichi Nakamura (Tomoya from Clannad), and Lilly did the same simultaneously at our blog, I was prepared to throw off all my clothes and run across the company sprinklers screaming, “Yahooooooo!” But of course, mental health kicked in to prevent me from making a fool out of myself/getting arrested/giving the new AA another reason to think I’m crazy.
Thank you, zanac, for providing the link to the first teaser clip, which you can find at the Natsuyuki anime webpage
Sakamichi no Apollon is also being animated and will air on April 12.
Oh, and speaking of Sakamichi no Apollon, thanks to awys for the input on Art Blakely & the Jazz Messengers. The song mentioned by Ritsuko’s father in Ch.3 was, indeed, Moanin’ and not Morning. That felt like a total D’OH moment. Anyway, Chapter 4 mentioned Bags’ Groove, which is I believe was composed and named by/after Milt Jackson. But correct me if I’m wrong.
Thank you for more shtuff! (Especially Sekine <3)
I'm REALLY liking the Kids on the Slope anime. And I hadn't heard of the Natsuyuki anime! (*screams in joy*). I'm sure that it will be great.
It's so exciting to see more and more josei animes coming out!
Thank you so much for the releases! Thanks for doing Sakamichi no Apollon! đ
I’m really glad to see you continuing Sakamichi no Apollon! My group and I were debating whether to ask if you had dropped it or not (Mostly to see if we could pick it up if you did xD) But I’m very glad such a loving group will be continuing on with it~!
Correcting a correction makes me feel like a total jerk, but I feel compelled to point out that the man’s name is Art Blakey, and the title of the composition is Moanin’. If you need the services of an incorrigible jazz snob, lemme know.
Hello, mako, no problem! đ Thanks for letting us know. Though it’s kind of late in the game, I guess I can make the appropriate changes and address it in the next release to include a Kids on the Slope chapter.
This kind of feedback is always appreciated.
I’m not a jazz enthusiast myself, but I finally got a chance to hear one of the Moanin’ performances by Art Blakey and the Messengers on youtube, and I have to say that I am starting to falling in love. My only other experience with jazz was in the film Tony Takitani. (Tony’s father was a jazz trombonist.)
Thank you so much for Sakamichi no Apollon!! The manga is so endearing!! I can’t express my gratitude enough. I’m highly anticipating the anime even more now. I enjoy Jazz and Oldies myself, so the manga was wonderful as I was able to discover more artists. The soundtrack is going to be amazing I bet. *.* Anyway, I’m rambling, but I look forward to your next release!!
Thank you SO MUCH for doing sakimichi no apollon, I love this manga and I can’t wait to see what happens next, you’re doing such a great work… I did also see like two minutes ago the trailer of the anime (which I discover… three minutes ago?) and right now I’m so excited, I really want to see it!! I’m sure it’s going to be amazing!
I’ve been forgetting to say thanks, eheh…Anyway, thanks for the releases! I continue to be confused and intrigued by Sekine. And even though I don’t particularly care about jazz, I’ve been enjoying Sakamichi no Apollon. I found out about the anime too, that’s pretty neat!
Btw, I love your little life stories. Don’t worry, preventing him from using the bathroom isn’t THAT bad. XD
natsuyuki anime??!! wohoo~~~ bring out the booze!!
thank you so much <3
Thank you sooo muchhhh ; ; Sekine’s Love is one my favorite series right now.
Thank you very much for Sakamichi no Apollon đ
And just asking .. are you thinking of stalling the manga if the anime adaptation start airing ?
i hope not though >.<
Thank you again guys .. and good luck ;D
No, we’re actually trying to get it out faster, đ
Thanks for the releases! đ
“onniving, pho-and-pudding-thrower-outter…” LOL!!!
You know, I was really surprise at ‘Principal.’ LOL Anyhoo, thanks for the chapters! đ
New Releases ( *O*)/
I downloaded Sakamichi no Apollon and Sekine’s Love, Thank you a lot!
about basso’s , I don’t read BL, but Saraiya Goyou’s style is just gorgeous and I’d like to see ‘Nigeru Otoko’ from your translation <3
about Natsuyuki Rendezvous Animation, well, It's my pleasure <3
we support your team as you give us the availability to read those great titles đ
by the way, I am Arabian ,and I am translating manga from english
and I am ready If you needed a help in editing
We’ll definitely be working on Nigeru Otoko. It’s not up on the website/forum yet because the staff was still discussing whether it was do-able, but we’ve all agreed that we’d work on it after we wrapped up Amato Amaro, so you’ll be seeing this project shortly. đ