Douzono Tsugumi, who works for a major electrical company, spends her vacation at her grandmother’s home in the country. Her grandmother soon passes away during hospitalization, and Tsugumi decides to continue living in her grandmother’s house. However, a mysterious man shows up holding the key to the annex, and despite not fully comprehending the relationship he had with her grandmother, they begin living together.
Nominated for the 3rd Manga Taisho Award (2010).
Volume 1:
Volume 2:
Ch.07 | Ch.08 | strong>Otoko no Issho Chapter 9: Ch.09 | Ch.10 | Ch.11 | Ch.12
What People Are Saying:
“damn i need updaaaaaaaates. i cant resist this series D:” – Gin
“all i have to say is:Oyajiiiiii woohoooo
lately i have an obssesion with oyaji,is weird cuz older men scare me xd” – Kay
“I believe the girl is in her early 30s, but the guy is 52 years old!” – Aya
“Younger girl and older man? I can only imagine what this story entails. *_* Looking forward to reading it!” – Vivien
“I love this manga!!!!
Thank you so much!!!” – cats
“Thanks a lot for your work.
It is quite an enjoyable reading ;), I hope you will keep up the translation. ” – Ginka
“hello! thank you so much for this release! this manga is one of my favs!
Well girls! thank you for all the hard work You are angels to me xD” – Mara
” I never thought Kaieda could get me flustered. Gads he was so playful with her at that dinner gathering.That last two chapters literally had me covering my face in embarrassment >.< especially when he slicked his hair back and took off his glasses HEELLOOOOOO. The man looks good for a 51 year old. Glasses on/off, doesn't matter *o* I like how honest he is, no mind games even she pushes him and he goes along with it for awhile or just goes straight for the kill. It's just hard to tell since he always looks so unaffected." - Juko
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