A message from the Queen of Antics a.k.a Hatsumimi a.k.a bedridden woman hereby reads:
Futago Ch. 4 DDL
Bito Lollipop Ch. 2 DDL
Why did it take a few weeks to do two measley chapters, you ask? Blame it on 13 episodes of Pretear, wisdom teeth, dehydration, and exams (for the staffers).
For those of you wondering what the heck the titles mean, Futago means twins, and the bitou in ” Bitou Lollipop” stands for “low in sugar,” which is an apt name to apply to this manga, because – let’s face it – when we think of shoujo, 99.9% of the time, we get this saccharine, sugary taste foaming in our mouths.
Most shoujos are – well, dare I say it? – ” candy floss”. Bitou Lollipop sets itself apart from the start: The title speaks for itself. And if that’s not enough to convince you, let me tell you (rolls up sleeves) how it succeeds in 3 ways:
1) Having the craziest of crazy female manga artists to spin the tale (you can tell just by reading her free talk sessions),
2) the zaniest characters (with equally zany expressions),
and 3) an addicting and convincing story to back up all the strange antics.
If you haven’t started reading, do so now! Or else. *cracks knuckles* [end quote]
Just because she’s sick, doesn’t mean she can’t whoop your ass, so I suggest you better get moving.
Thank you soo much for letting me know this amazing author!My French isn’t the best, but I’ve ordened all the 7 volumes,now I reading mangas in 4 languages ^-^
thanks for both of them hope too see more soon
YEEEE!!!!! i have been waiting for ANY release, all your projects are amazing, but works from this author happen to be my favorite. thanks so much for the hard work Stiletto, you guys brighten my day!!! lots of love, appreciation, and fan girl squeals from me! xoxo
thanks a lot for these releases ! I like a lot this mangaka (for information bitou lollipop is released in France and the volume 7 will be published very soon…)
Thanks. I’m aware that it is licensed in France, and I do encourage all people who read French to buy the manga. Iketani Rikako is absolutely hilarous. However, as I’m American, and my French is rusty, and it’s not yet published in America, I’m going to continue releasing a chapter every week or second week until it does become licensed.
Thank you so much for scanlating! Bitou Lollipop especially looks very promising, I can’t wait for next update 🙂
btw, -lada- you’re not the only one! I’m rooting for that pairing too! xD
Thankkkk you!! I love Bitou Lollipop. And Futago. But more the first one. Am I the only one who thinks Madoka should totally fall for that little boy??? I’m so pedo.
Woa, Bitou Lollipop’s so awesome >___<. I look forward to the next chapter XD. Thank you so much XD
You guys are awesome! Thank you for all your hard work! <3<3<3
Thank you very much for these two chapters. You worked hard and did a great job ^____^
and I want to say that I realy love josei manga so, thanks for working on “Futago” :3
Thank you so much for the releases! I’m so excited to see what happens next in Bitou Lollipop.
Thanks for the releases! Bitou Lollipop is actually licensed in France. I didn’t know this series but after reading the awesome first chapter last month, I decided to buy the books.
wow, thanks for the awesome releases 😀 thing are really getting interesting!