The only true voyage of discovery, the only fountain of Eternal Youth, would be not to visit strange lands but to possess other eyes, to behold the universe through the…
A Hankering For…
When I was watching a Korean variety show a few days ago, one commercial popped up. It made me wallow in my misery. The product is discontinued here in USA…
Spring No More
Summer officially begins today. Who is looking forward to the season? Me, NOT. Why? I live in the south where it’s hot and humid. All I want is to stay…
Cause for a Celebration
Today is my birthday…I really wanted to release some chapters that I especially love. One didn’t make it this time due to a busy schedule and finishing up other things…
daDum daDum daDum daDum
This is gonna be a good one. We slowly are getting things done behind the scenes. We are excited and loving our projects again. So let’s discuss the releases. We…
Righting the Ship
Well, hello, my fellow manga lovers. I have been with Hats for over 10 years. Yep… that long. For the last few months, I begged Hats to release some completed…